"Ma! What are you talking about? " Xu Wenzhou was all blinded. He reached out and pulled Xu's mother aside. "Where did you listen to so many messy remarks?"

"It's not a mess, Wenzhou. Didn't you feel it last night? This girl is no longer a yellow girl... Otherwise, why didn't you leave any trace on your bed? "

When Xu's mother talked to her son about such a topic, her ears turned red.

Xu Wenzhou was even more confused.

"What's the mark?"

Xu's mother was even more anxious to see that her son was so unintelligible.

She glared at Mi Ran'er again: "you just want to muddle through because you don't know anything about our family Wenzhou?"

Mi Ran'er

She really doesn't want to say anything now.


Just wait till tomorrow when we go to the army.

Remind yourself again and again in my heart.

If you can't bear it, you will make a big plan.

After all, Xu Wenzhou is a high school student. In the past three years in the army, he has also heard his comrades in arms talk about many topics in this regard.

After careful consideration, I understood what Xu's mother meant.

Immediately, the face burst red.

The big hand holding Xu's mother's arm also tightened.

"So, mom, you came into my room?" Xu Wenzhou remembers telling his mother when he left that there was no mess in the room and there was no need to go in and tidy it up.

Unexpectedly, my mother went in on her own.

He breathed heavily with anger.

"If you don't go in, you don't know you've been greenheaded." Xu's mother didn't feel that she had done something wrong at the moment.

"Green hat? Mom, did you see me holding hands with Tang Xiaoer? Or a kiss? According to the fact that there is no trace on the sheet, I am not a yellow girl. Is that a bit arbitrary? Should you also ask your son if he did anything to my bride last night? "

Mi Ran'er, with her fist clenched in her small hand and white face, asked in a dignified tone.

Now, it's Xu's turn.

She looked at Mi Ran'er and looked back at her son.

"You last night..."

Xu Wenzhou is really speechless.

He frowned and closed his eyes.

"Xiao ran and I didn't have a bridal chamber at all last night. When we were so tired, where did we have such ideas? And, mom. These are all private affairs in my room with Xiao ran. Would you please give us some space? "

Xu's mother was embarrassed.

Her forehead was already covered with sweat.

Licking her lips, she pulled the corners of her lips, but she didn't feel that she had done something wrong. She said: "I'm also for you. Besides, your father and I are not young. We just want to have grandchildren as soon as possible."

"Sun Tzu or something, take your time. Please don't worry about it in the future. I just know who Xiao Ran is. Even if she's not the so-called yellow flower girl, it's just something that happened before I got married. As long as she is the daughter-in-law of the Xu family after marriage."

Xu Wenzhou said, took a towel to wipe the sweat on his face, and walked to the bathroom.

The words of Xu Wenzhou echoed in MI Ran'er's mind.

What is really not the so-called yellow girl?

Where is the original owner's daughter?

She took a deep breath. Then she looked at Xu's mother and said, "Mom, you've heard Wen Zhou's words. Please don't label me any more, OK?"

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