Calligraphy smell speech to nod, the face softened a lot, hold her hand on the sofa.

"When you go back, stay with me."

Once again, he said what he said in the car that day.

This time, miyuning didn't ignore it. He scratched the palm of his hand with his fingers. "I'm by your side."

Han Mo felt her deliberate action, the light in her eyes darkened, and the strength of her hand increased a little.

"Remember today's words, I won't let you go, and I won't let you leave me in the future."

When he said this, he kept looking at miyuning, and his eyes seemed to swallow her.

Mi you Ning picks her eyebrows. She moves her body toward Han Mo, and her free hand toward his mouth.

Touching the man's tight Yue Hun, mi you Ning's hand gradually went up.

While Han Mo felt the touch of her fingers, her throat couldn't help moving.

Miyuning, however, kept looking at her fingers, or, to be exact, the mouth of the man's moon.

Hands gradually move up, came to the neckline.

"Han Mo, do you have a mole?"

The latter is enjoying the strange pleasure brought by her fingers, but suddenly heard such a question.

For a moment, let him sink - sink eyes, emitting a sharp light.

He quickly stood up and left the feeling that made him obsessed.

At this time, Han Mo exudes a strong atmosphere of low pressure.

But miyuning was confused.

It's said that this man is uncertain. He can never say what he wants to do next.

She did not understand the question just now, where on earth let the man taboo.

Han Mo stood up and put his hand on the mouth of Yue Hun.

Mi Ying had not yet finished Tucao, and make complaints about his movements.

The last generation of fan Yinqing, she saw the man on the shoulder mole.

That position is exactly the same place that Han Mo touched.

Han Mo doesn't know what she thinks.

At this time, he recalled the memory of many years ago, which was like a lifelong nightmare for him.

The rage and bloodthirsty factors in the body are constantly rising.

Don't want to lose the sense of propriety in front of the woman, Han Mo turned and raised his feet to go.

That's right up the stairs.

"Ready, we'll leave tonight, in an hour at the latest."

Before he left, he left mi you Ning with such a sentence.

Miyuning kept the same movement at this time.

See the other party left, can't help shaking his head and laughing.

After all, this man's temper is too weird to be understood.

But the other side left before the action, or let her in a good mood.

It's not that she sticks to whether they're alone.

I just want to know what the common characteristics of the people who bring changes to the colorful glazed stone are.

She wants to know that clearly.

Now, however, it seems that the previous guess is good.

Han Mo is almost the same.

See not far away Hao Qiu has been looking directly at a place, eyes, nose, nose, heart, without any emotion.

Mi you Ning went to each other with a smile, "Hao Chou, we went to Qingshi that day. It was your master who made a special clearance just to give me convenience, wasn't it?"

Hao Qiu's eyebrows moved, and there was a moment of confusion in his eyes.

However, he quickly responded, "yes, Miss Bai, that day was arranged by the owner himself."

Mi you Ning nodded with a smile but not a smile. She passed Hao Qiu and went upstairs.

There are no historical sites in Qingshi.

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