There's a truck waiting outside.

This is the freight driver in the town. He happened to go to the city to pull things back, so he took them to the city by the way.

After driving for a long time, Xu's mother stood at the gate of the courtyard, looking at the lights that had gone away in the dark.

"Well, go back to sleep. Don't catch cold." Xu Fu pulled her sleeve and said in a deep voice.

"You say, this boy won't go home for a long time, will he?" Xu's mother is a little worried. She thinks her son is a man who can say and do.

"Why? If Xiao Ran is pregnant, he will definitely come back. I don't believe it. If Xiao Ran is pregnant, you can still be cruel to others. "

Xu's father said, yawning. He didn't want to waste time with her. He pinched his eyebrows and turned to enter the room.

Xu's mother's eyes lit up in an instant.

Yes! As long as there is a grandson, the gap between her and Yu Xiaoran should disappear.

She didn't believe that Wenzhou was so cruel that she didn't let the old people in her family see her grandson.

Xu's mother was very happy immediately. She felt chilly and quickly followed her husband into the house. She went back to sleep!

Here, as soon as mi Ran'er got on the bus, he leaned on Xu Wenzhou's shoulder to catch his sleep.

The car swayed and swayed so that she didn't sleep too well.

After a long time, she felt that her stomach was very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, I didn't eat much in the morning.

After arriving at the county seat, she got off the bus and ran to the roadside to retch.

"The little girl is so delicate." The driver looked at Mi Ran's appearance, and reluctantly said "Xu Wenzhou," and then said to him, "you must make complaints about others, and don't bully people when they are not around."

Xu Wenzhou nodded, "don't worry, I'm not that kind of person."

"Well, I have to go to the customer's side. Go to the railway station by yourself. It's not far from here."

The driver rolled up the window, started the truck and drove away.

Xu Wenzhou comes to MI Ran'er, takes out a tissue and hands it to her.

"How are you?"

"I didn't eat anything. I couldn't spit anything out. Fortunately, I just got on the bus and didn't eat the eggs my mother gave me, otherwise I might have to spit on someone else's car."

As mi Ran'er said this, she grabbed Xu Wenzhou's hand and stood up. Her feet softened. She stumbled and fell into Xu Wenzhou's arms.

Xu Wenzhou could only hold her in one hand and carry her luggage bag in the other hand and walk towards the railway station.

"Seldom drive to town at home?" Xu Wenzhou wanted to divert her attention, so he began to chat with her.

"What are you doing in town? In my father's words, it's a waste of fare... "Mi Ran'er leaned in his arms and felt his heart beating, feeling very comfortable.

When Xu Wenzhou heard this, he looked a little ugly. "Come out and see more."

"If my father can have such a high ideological awareness, the next mayor will be him!"

Mi Ran'er sneered.

Xu Wenzhou was amused by her small tone.

Two people you a I a, soon arrived at the railway station.

Today is only the fourth day of junior high school. People who go out to work usually choose to go out after the sixth day of junior high school.

So at the moment, there are only sporadic passengers in the station.

With about 40 minutes to go before getting on the bus, Xu Wenzhou helped her into the waiting room and sat down.

I went to fetch her a cup of hot water from the kettle.

"Eat something first. Trains are not as easy to get carsick as cars. When you have enough to eat and drink, you can go to bed directly after you get on the train."

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