Xu Wenzhou thought about it carefully, then nodded, "this is OK, let's go."

He took a ten dollar bill and went out with Miran.

During the new year, in addition to some necessary posts, other soldiers can freely play in the military area command or get out of the military area command with fake notes after participating in basic training every day.

So, along the way, I met a lot of people.

Xu Wenzhou greets all the way out of the military area command. Mi Ran'er feels that Xu Wenzhou must be thirsty.

There is a street near the military region, which is not prosperous, but it has everything. Most of the people who sell vegetables here are farmers nearby, while most of the people who do business are the families of the officials of the military region.

There is only one northwest noodle shop on one street.

Xu Wenzhou first took mi Ran'er to eat some hot noodles.

"Why don't they go home for the new year?" Mi Ran'er looks at the busy lady in doubt.

"The relatives are all here. This is already their home."

Xu Wenzhou poured her a cup of hot water.

"Can I do something here? For example, doing business or something. "

Mi Ran'er squinted and asked Xu Wenzhou in a low voice.

Xu Wenzhou coagulated her confident face and asked faintly, "what will you do? Do you have the capital? What's more, didn't you promise me that you would take the night university exam? "

Mi Ran'er shook his head helplessly when he saw that he was ruthlessly tearing down his appearance. "It seems that brother Wenzhou, you really don't have any confidence in my temperament."

"Then tell me where the capital comes from!" Xu Wenzhou asked again.

"Yes, but I have to think about it in the long run. Now I'm in a daze. I'll come back to sleep and think about a plan." Miran'er really put it on the agenda.

Xu Wenzhou saw that she was in high spirits, but he didn't want to hurt her any more. When two bowls of ramen were served, they began to eat.

The noodles in Northwest China are very strong, and the soup is very good. However, due to the lack of oil and water, it tastes much less delicious.

It's good to have a full stomach.

After eating and drinking, Xu Wenzhou checks out and takes mi Ran'er out of the noodle shop.

After telling mi Ran'er about the shopping places, they bought the only vegetables and meat on the street and carried them home.

"This dish is certainly not enough. What should we do if so many people come here at night?" Mi Ran'er looked at the meat and vegetables in the bag, frowned and asked with some worry.

"Just go to the kitchen and get some dishes."

Xu Wenzhou has a good plan.

"Well, may I have a sleep first?" Mi Ran'er yawned wearily and inquired. She had fallen on Xu Wenzhou's one meter five wide bed.

Xu Wenzhou didn't disturb her and let her rest in her room alone. He went out to the office building.

After checking in MI Ran'er, he gave her an access card to enter and leave the military region.

When he got home, miran'er had already got up and was making a stove in the kitchen to cook.

"Cough, cough!"

The soot was billowing, but the briquette just couldn't burn.

Miran'er was a little angry and threw a lot of sawdust into the coal stove.

"It's still not burning." Mi Ran'er was a little discouraged. He threw his match to the ground and murmured in a low voice, holding his face in his ashy hand.

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