"Why is aunt so anxious?" Mi Ran'er sat down in front of the desk and asked faintly.

"Your Majesty, I have worked out several places for the banquet. Which palace is better for the banquet?" Mingyue presented a pamphlet to MI Ran'er and opened it respectfully.

Miran'er opened the book, looked at it, circled several palaces and came out.

"These are not bad. They feel spacious and warm."

"Then choose one of these palaces, and the dishes of the banquet day. When the maidservant and the imperial dining room are ready, I'll show them to your majesty." Mingyue is really giving everything to Miran.

Miran'er knew why she was so cautious.

She raised her lips slightly. "That's not necessary, aunt. You know, our country is very busy on weekdays. Since I'm in charge of banquets, it's up to you to decide everything! Don't worry about making mistakes. I still trust your ability, aunt. Even if there are mistakes, there are still flaws. "

"But..." what does Mingyue want to say.

Miran'er was already impatient. "Auntie, I've said that I trust you, so don't be so timid, OK?"

Moon helpless, had to bow: "yes, I understand."

As she turned away, her face was full of doubts.

Why does this girl change so much in a short time?

From the last time I dealt with Mingyan, I can see that this girl has a black belly.

Is it true that she pretended to be so pure before?

After Mingyue went out, MI Ran'er frowned slightly and patted her hands on the table. "Mingyue is so cautious now, isn't she worried that I would pick her fault? Does this woman really think that I slandered Mingyan when she was removed from her official position? What did Mingyan do? Is Mingyue really not counting in her heart? "

Now she really can't wait to dispose of Mingyue.

However, if the accusation is light, there may be endless wildfires and spring breeze

We have to find a chance for a felony to get rid of it.

"After all, she can't be found out. After all, if she has any more problems, there will be no room for her to turn over." North Night Low smile way.

Mi Ran'er had a terrible headache. She opened the memorial and began to read it.

Mr. Gu's illness lasted for nearly ten days, and it snowed every day.

The imperial doctor returns to the palace and reports to MI Ran'er that Mr. Gu is really ill. Moreover, this time, the illness is so fierce that she is likely to die. It is still unknown whether Mr. Gu can survive this winter.

When mi Ran'er learned about it, he went to Gu's home to see him.

Let Gu family up and down except Gu Shan, all gratitude.

Later, at the end of winter, Gu could not hold on and went.

During the funeral, miran'er went to take care of her family.

Gu Shan's injuries have recovered completely. As a man, he kneels in the corner of the mourning hall and looks at her Majesty's body after she enters the mourning hall.

With resentment, he clenched his teeth, and a sharp blade was hidden in his sleeve. When he passed by after MI Ran'er perfumed Mr. Gu, he suddenly pulled out the dagger from his sleeve and thrust it at Mi Ran'er's chest——

"Gu Shan, stop it!"

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