During this period of time, she was not so presumptuous as before. She began to follow the rules and obediently do the things arranged by her majesty. She just wanted to clean herself up.

I didn't think that I fell into the trap of your majesty.

"Aunt Mingyue, as a third grade female official in the palace, what's your hidden purpose in bringing a civilian into the palace on such an important day as new year's Eve?"

Miran'er stares at the moon. Asked in a cold voice.

"Your Majesty, Mingyan went to the palace just to see her private party. The maidservant helped her. It's just driven by maternal love. You can only punish me for a crime of giving and receiving for personal gain at most today." The moon is calm.

"It's just private giving and receiving? Aunt Mingyue, you are too taken for granted! The third grade female officer knows the law and breaks the law. Besides, she also intends to bribe the commander of the imperial army with money. We all know how much trickiness is behind this. Now you don't have to look at it. I'll forgive you for the sake of friendship. Mingyue, what you've done over the years is more than that! "

As mi Ran'er said this, he suddenly took out a fold from the table and handed it to the mother beside him.

"Mammy, please remind aunt Mingyue. Otherwise, I'm worried that she's busy with new year's Eve recently. She's dizzy and forgets everything she's done..."


Mammy opened the fold and began to read the above: "ten years ago, you framed the former Queen's palace man for stealing and drowned him in the well of the cold palace. At this time, you arranged your confidants to your majesty. Seven years ago, you bribed the former commander of the royal guards and replaced all the royal guards around the queen with your confidants. Three years ago, you bribed the former commander of the royal guards, You begin to plot to prescribe medicine to the former queen. Colorless and tasteless medicine accumulates in your Majesty's body day by day. Your Majesty's body is getting worse and worse, and the imperial doctor you bought to see your majesty only says that your majesty died of chronic fatigue and illness. If the new queen didn't find out the real cause of death, the imperial doctor might still be free from the law. "

Mammy's words reached everyone in the hall.

Everyone was surprised.

I didn't expect that an internal official would have such deep thoughts. In the short ten years after entering the palace, he arranged so many things and killed an emperor.

It's really chilling.

If not for the intelligence of the new queen, a little girl of her age would never have played such an old fox.

"Your Majesty, all the words in this fold are one-sided words. Do you have any solid evidence to prove that these are all made by maidservants?"

The moon is still dying.

Mi Ran'er knew that this man would still have a hard tongue here.

With a sneer, she took out a fold and threw it to Mingyue: "this is the testimony of the first leader of the imperial guards and the palace people you bought. You should have a good look. Are these words all right? In addition, here is a letter you wrote to the Taiyi. Although there are few words in it, you can recognize it. It's your handwriting! Aunt Mingyue, did you say that you didn't have any personal relationship with the doctor? How can you explain this letter? "

The moon finally showed a look of confusion.

Shaking her teeth, she opened the fold.

Looking at the above words such as blood sobbing testimony, hands began to shake involuntarily.

After a long time, the moon suddenly laughed.

"You... You take advantage of Mingyan's love for your servant to hook her into the palace, and lie that the jade seal is lost. Check the inner palace to catch Mingyan."

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