Holding his hand on the table, he bullied Gu Yi a lot. "That day, I heard that the French of the CEO was very standard. I spent the most time with you on weekdays. Why don't you teach me French? What's more, we live in a community. I can go to your home for tutoring on weekends. "

Miran'er is just testing Gu Yi's defense. She thinks that Gu Yi will definitely refuse at the moment. Who knows

"Yes, but I'm not a kind teacher. You'd better be ready to be scolded and cried by me." Gu Yi said, drooping his head and taking another sip of tea.

"CEO, do you really agree?" Miran'er was shocked!

Gu Yi glanced at her and said, "if you don't believe me, I won't agree."


Miran'er nodded quickly, "I believe it. From Sunday on, as long as you have free time, I will come to you to learn French."


Gu Yi's eyes flickered as he spoke. Occasionally he looked out of the window and on the table, but he didn't look at Mi Ran'er.

Here comes the food.

Mi Ran'er beckons Gu Yi to move.

Gu Yi actually likes Chinese food. When he eats in the company on weekdays, a Ning mostly prepares Chinese takeout for him, which changes when he goes out to socialize.

Mi Ran'er observed his eating habits these days and found that he ate less and absorbed less carbon and water, which was one of the reasons for his bad temper.

"Chief executive, please eat more. The food is very authentic and the rice is good." Mi Ran'er took Gu Yi's bowl, filled it with rice and handed it to him.

Gu Yi

Can he not answer?

Finally, take it and eat it slowly.

Mi Ran'er sighs helplessly when he looks at his occasionally frowned brow when eating. He says to the system, "he's really under a lot of pressure. I saw him wake up from nightmares during his lunch break in the office before."

System: "so, you should be a bosom sister, enlighten him well and let him come out from the past."

Miran'er immediately asked the old saying, "so what is his past? Or, with whom? "

System: "sorry, no spoiler."

Miran'er said with a smile, "what are you doing with that nonsense?"

Just don't take care of the system.

On the other side, after eating a bowl of rice, he drank half a bowl of soup and put down his chopsticks.

"Chief executive, every time I eat with you, you eat so little that I dare not eat more." Miran'er quietly put down his chopsticks and murmured, as if complaining.

"Why not eat more?" Gu Yi looks confused.

"Because I'm a girl, you eat so little as a boy. If I eat too much as a girl, I'll be a pig." Mi Ran's spare no effort to make complaints about himself with Gu Yu.

Gu Yi was amused by her small tone.

"You don't have to do that next time. You can eat as much as you want. Don't worry about me. I've been eating like this all the time."

"How did you grow so tall?" Asked miran'er suspiciously.

"Although I eat less, but I certainly keep up with the nutrition, high growth has nothing to do with food intake, fat growth has nothing to do with food intake!" Gu Yi can't hide his poisonous tongue attribute again.

Mi Ran'er felt that he was stabbed in the heart.

After dinner, Gu Yi and MI Ran'er did not rush to pay.

It's not his style at all.

Miran'er guessed that he might not even have his wallet with him.

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