Miran simply prepared a sandwich for him and warmed up a glass of milk.

When Gu Yi dressed up and went downstairs, miran'er had everything ready.

Gu Yi tasted the taste and nodded slightly, "the craftsmanship is pretty good. I thought it's a ten finger slender young lady who doesn't touch yangchunshui. It seems that you're also very grounded. Don't you practice it when you cook for your ex boyfriend?"

On MI Ran'er's small face, he pulled out an embarrassed and polite smile, "boss, if you want to eat more, you can eat more."

Don't talk too much nonsense, OK?

Gu Yi put her small expression into the fundus of her eyes, which was more funny.

He took a sip of the milk and then asked, "in your opinion, who is following us all the time? Even in private, we were both photographed eating in a Chinese restaurant. "

Mi Ran'er already had the answer in his mind, "either Qin Yue or Lin rou'er, or someone you offended, such as Miss Chu..."

Hearing Miss Chu's three words, Gu Yi rolled his eyes directly, "she doesn't have the courage. She knows what will happen if she offends me. Unless she takes the whole Chu group to ruin my reputation, I think no one should be so stupid..."

"That's Qin Yue and Lin rouer. Believe it or not, soon, Qin Yue will call me and say that I'm shameless. He will accuse me that I had an affair with you first, but he will tell me that he's cheating. What's more, he may even make the news about it directly."

When Gu Yi heard this, he frowned, "does he really hate you like this?"

"After the cancellation of his engagement banquet with me, several major companies in China rejected his internship application on the grounds of problems in his personal life. Now, he has been rejected by all companies, and he has to wait another year to stay in the school. If the internship scores are not enough, he may not be able to graduate. Do you think he hates me so much?"

Mi Ran'er said all this with a smile, as if he were talking about other people's family.

Gu Yi took a deep look at her, "if he really chooses this way to die with you, what are you going to do?"

"Qingzhe Ziqing, what's more, I hold the evidence that he and Lin rou'er have been engaged in underground affairs for at least one year. What about you and me? If I remember well, the night when Qin Yue and I broke up was the first time we met, right? "

Gu Yi nodded, "well, since you and I have no fear, this matter can't be the topic of our discussion at the moment. Let's talk about something else."

Gu Yi swallows the last bite of the sandwich into his stomach, cleans the corner of his mouth with a napkin gracefully, gets up and walks to miran'er's side, puts one hand on the table and looks down at her.

Mi Ran'er liked the smell of aftershave water in his nostrils. He couldn't help but move his nose.

It's like a puppy.

"About what?" She asked, raising her small face.

"Talking about the compensation of an object to me..." Gu Yi chuckles, unable to see whether he is serious or joking.

"Boss, you are too serious when you are joking?" Mi Ran'er covered her face with her little hand, and her eyes were shining like stars.

Gu Yi is getting closer and closer. "I'm not kidding. The audience rating of morning entertainment news is very high. Now people all over the country, from 80 years old to three years old, already know that I'm with you. If you don't want me now, people will surely treat you as a bad woman who never gives up."

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