However, under mi Ran'er's encouraging eyes, he slowly opened his mouth.

It's not bad, but he doesn't like it very much.

So it was Miran who ate the most.

After dinner, Gu Yi took mi Ran'er for a ride. They were both very happy. At midnight, Gu Yi drove her back to the villa.

There are also many media cars parked at the entrance of the villa.

These paparazzi are really energetic.

Gu Yi had no choice but to drive to the back door and enter the villa area through the back door.

He took her to the door.

"When I get home, I will write the full text of the statement and send it to you. Please ask the public relations department to help me send it. In fact, it's not good to use the official blog of M & G to publish such a statement?" In fact, MI Ran'er only talked about Qi at that time. Unexpectedly, Gu Yi was taken seriously.

He nodded in front of Qin Yue.

"Otherwise, I'll send it by trumpet, and then find several marketing numbers to forward..." Mi Ran'er thinks that this is a feasible plan.

Gu Yi raised her hand and gently stroked her face and said with a smile, "don't think about it. Didn't you say that? You are the future chief executive's wife. What's wrong with guanbo? Besides, some things have to be answered by official blogs. "


Gu Yi sold a pass, "after you know, well, very late, go home early to rest, your mother should need you to accompany now."

"Well... Good night! See you tomorrow. "

"Good night."

Mi Ran'er and Gu Yi parted. When they got back to Xu's home, there was a smile on her lips.

She had already guessed what Gu Yi wanted to announce with the official blog, which was nothing more than announcing their love affair.

In addition, today's public opinion also slanders her for cheating in her last relationship. It's not unnecessary to explain her previous relationship clearly in this statement.

"Come back!"

Zuoyun is applying a mask on the sofa.

She looks in a good mood.

"Well... I'll go upstairs first." Miran'er limped upstairs.

"Why is your foot getting worse and worse? Isn't it Gu Yi who beat you up? " Zuo Yun immediately gets up from the sofa and comes over anxiously.

"No..." Mi Ran'er shook his head helplessly. "It was Qin Yue who made it. However, Qin Yue's life will not be easy in the future! Mom, please don't worry about it. Apply the mask properly, try to maintain the best condition, and find me a true heart for you.

With that, miran'er went upstairs.

Leaving behind a red face in Zuoyun, I quickly pressed the mask on the face.

Careful thinking is actually seen by her daughter. When did this villain cultivate so much?

Mi Ran'er edited a fairly detailed statement and sent it to Gu Yi.

After seeing it over there, he said it was very good, so he asked her to have a rest early, and he would take care of the rest.

After taking a bath and lying on the bed, miran'er heard the voice in his mind: "the completion of the standard plane task has reached 90%. The host continues to refuel!"

It is clear that the two have already confessed to each other. As long as people like Gu Yi say "like", there will be no fake. Therefore, his liking should have reached 100% and 10%, which should be the plot line.

What would it be?

Mi Ran'er went to sleep with doubts.

The next morning, MI Ran'er was awakened by Lin rou'er's serial calls.

She hasn't been able to sleep well these days. She's so angry.


"Xu ChuChu, you are shameless. You don't mean what you say! It's less than three months since you published the story between the three of us on the Internet.... "

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