As for MI Ran'er.

Although it is the posture of God, but just transformed into human form, as long as it is a little higher than her cultivation, you can realize that white fox didn't pay attention to her.

She sat on the roof with her tail cocked, and looked at Anan and miran'er mockingly? It's a pity that I can't kill my aunt and grandmother by this way... "

White fox looked at the pure golden air flow around her. In fact, she had no bottom.

This move has forced her to show her original shape, so that she can no longer be transformed into a human form. If he still has some tricks, he may be destroyed today.

"Yes? This is the first time that I met a monster who despised this trick... "Anan chuckled, but he was not irritated by the white fox's words. His hands pinched a formula," you said that you have been here for several years, why didn't the local immortals realize your existence? "

White fox raised his paw, put out his tongue and licked the fur on his paw, "because his cultivation is too low, maybe because I often send him something he likes, he will skip me..."

"Bribery? What would a fairy like? Isn't it right for a man to become an immortal to destroy the common heart? " Mi Ran'er frowned and asked suspiciously.

"He likes all kinds of things, such as gold, silver, jewels, beauties and so on. As for the ordinary heart, if the immortal really lost the ordinary heart, why did the seven fairies go down to the earth to marry Dong Yong?"

The white fox laughs sarcastically and hums these words. From the voice line, it is also full of coquettishness. Every word, like a feather, sweeps the heart.

Not to mention men, but mi Ran'er, listening at the moment, I feel that I can't resist.

I'm a fox.

"Have you ever given yourself to him? In the end, if you absorb his cultivation, it will help you better than ordinary people's energy? "

Miran'er asked curiously.

White fox narrowed his eyes and thought, "in fact, I have thought about this move, but as a fox demon, compared with the earth fairy, it is still a lot worse! If one doesn't pay attention, I may be killed by him, so I didn't take any risks! "

Miran'er smacked his lips with pity. "That's a pity. You should be bold. In case the immortals indulge in women's sex and don't take precautions, will you succeed?"

Mi Ran'er is the fox demon words from the home.

Anan glanced at her.

Some impatient, ready to raise their hands directly to the nine tail white fox out!

"Give it to me." Mi Ran'er whispered to him, "let me have real combat experience!"

Mi Ran'er said, holding his hand.

Anan had no choice but to accept the attack.

Here, miran'er approached the nine white foxes. "Sister white fox, do you have any evidence that you sent gold and silver treasures and beauties to the immortals?"

"Of course

White fox raised his hand and changed a gold bracelet out of thin air. "This is the Zhenyao Bracelet he gave me. It said that it can restrain my demonic nature. Only people with higher cultivation than him can detect my demonic nature. In recent years, there are too few immortals here. There is no one with higher cultivation than him, so..."

Anan took a look at the bracelet.

It's really from the immortal family.

He took a deep breath and said to MI Ran'er, "let's get rid of this monster. Then we can find out the local immortals and take him to heaven to find an explanation for the emperor of heaven!"


Miran'er knew that Anan's patience was not much, so he did not waste any more time.

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