Anan will be her look all in the eyes, suddenly realized that this girl is joking about themselves.

She has Fengyu's memory. How can she not know what the bridal chamber means!

Pinching her face, Anan's voice sank, "even I dare to tease you? I'm tired of living, aren't I? "

Mi Ran'er chuckled and put it into Anan's arms. He scratched his little hand on his chest. "Nanshen, how are you going to deal with me?"

Anan saw that she didn't clean up so much, so she couldn't bear it.

One of them was picked up and carried back to the room.

Although there is no red silk and double happiness in the whole bamboo house, both of them can feel the happiness and sweetness.

Especially Anan.

This is the first time that I have the feeling that MI Ran'er really belongs to me.

After being warm, miran'er felt an obvious heat in her body.

"Is this the legendary double cultivation?" Miran'er touched his belly and felt the heat go all over his body. He asked in surprise.

Anan gently hugs her in his arms, and both of them still have the color and lingering charm.

"Well, you try to guide this aura to your limbs, and then digest it slowly, which will help you to improve your cultivation." Anan said softly in her ear.

Miran'er nodded and did as he was told.

After all the aura had been digested, she looked anxiously at Anan, "is that harmful to your cultivation?"


Anan low smile: "double repair this kind of thing, is mutually beneficial."

"So..." Mi Ran'er breathed a sigh of relief, then yawned wearily. "I'm so tired. It's too late. Let's have a rest."


After sleeping for less than two hours, Miran and Anan were awakened by the vibration of the border.

Mi Ran'er rubbed his eyes vaguely and sat up, "who? It's such a big stir so early. "

She felt that her physical strength had not recovered!

Anan reached out and pinched her cheek and said gently, "I'll go out and have a look."

Anan dressed himself and left the bamboo house.

Mi Ran'er turned back to his bed and squinted. Suddenly, he thought that Qingyuan might be the one who was looking for trouble today, and he woke up instantly.

Dressed quickly, she left the bamboo house and came to jiejiekou.

Seeing the two men standing opposite each other outside, she frowned slightly and calmed down to see what they were going to say.

"She's got her memory back, right?" Qingyuan asked in a hoarse voice.

His temperament changed a lot overnight, and MI Ran'er felt that Qingyuan was inclined to fall into immortality.

With his cultivation, if he really falls into immortality, it will be a disaster in heaven.

"Yes." Anan nodded faintly, "however, after she recovered her memory, she didn't want to go back to Qingyuan hall."

"Why? Did you do something to her? Or as before, you forced her to stay with you by coercion and inducement? " Qingyuan heard Anan's words, immediately angry.

Mi Ran'er in the border had clearly felt his authority, and his heart beat faster and faster.

Anan low smile, "the same mistake, I decided not to make twice! This time, she took the initiative to stay with me, and said that even if she had Fengyu's memory, she was not Fengyu, so there was no need to go back to the people Fengyu loved. "

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