Some people take the initiative to make friends with miran'er and say that they want to make friends with her

These are the words of the future.

Mo ran goes to trouble mi Ran'er, but Qi Yeming knows that he can't get any good from MI Ran'er.

When he learned about it, he just gave a faint smile.

"You really have a big heart. You don't worry that ran Xi will be bullied by Mo ran next..."

Clearly, Qi Yeming was still smiling, frowning and worried.

"She didn't suffer a loss this time, and she won't suffer a loss next time... However, this girl has really changed a lot. She hasn't seen her for three years, and her character is very different from that of the little sheep before..."

With Qi Yeming's eyes shining, she suddenly asked in a low voice, "do you... Like the little sheep better, or the little wild cat now?"

"Little sheep, she was three years ago that age, I would like, now I like challenging!" Qi Yeming has already sorted out his feelings and said to Qingqing directly.

I see.

He nodded slightly, and then sighed with pity, "however, after listening to your conversation with her that night, she seems to be complaining that you haven't visited her once in the past three years... Why don't you tell her the truth? In fact, you don't want to... "

The smile on Qi Yeming's face is slightly stiff, and his eyes are hanging down, covering the loneliness of his eyes.

"Maybe, this is fate. I don't want to use my grandfather's illness to do moral kidnapping to ask her to forgive me. In fact, she is right. What we need to have is the future, not the past. I should not always tell her the story of our first acquaintance, but give her a sense of security and let her know that I will give her a lifetime."

Qi Yeming suddenly so sincere, let clear some worry.

The gap between them and the difficulty of Mrs. Qi worried that it would be very difficult for them to get together.

The morning class is over and it's lunchtime.

Because Yang Yang has already gone to kindergarten, MI Ran'er doesn't need to go home to cook at noon, so she goes to the school canteen with Rong Xin.

On the way to the canteen, I received many people's attention.

Mi Ran'er ignored it directly.

It's Rong Xin, who always feels shy.

"Ran Xi, you are really famous in the first world war today. I'm not afraid to walk beside you now! No one dares to bully you... "Rong Xin said admiringly, holding mi Ran'er's arm.

Mi Ran'er looks at Rong Xin's lovely appearance, with a smile of doting. "So, when facing the evil forces, don't blindly escape, but fight bravely against them! In fact, many look impressive but lack real worth. "Like a bubble, a blow is broken!"

Rong Xin was caught off guard by Mi Ran'er's bowl of chicken soup, and quickly nodded, "OK! In the future, I will keep up with you. "

The two girls made two beef noodles and went to find two vacant seats to sit down.

While eating, someone sat down in the empty seat opposite mi Ran'er.

She was frightened by the other party's big movement, and almost choked by a mouthful of noodle soup. She managed to breathe well, and then looked up at the boy sitting opposite.

"What are you doing?" Her mouth is bulging like a hamster.

Qi Yeming saw her flustered action in her eyes. Her heart was lovely. After sitting down, she said, "eat! The location of this restaurant is not fixed. Whose is it? Can't I sit here? "

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