All of a sudden, the surrounding fire rises, gorgeous color reflected in the eyes.

It was fireworks.

Looking at all this, the conspiracy in mi you Ning's mind was eliminated at this moment.

She looked at the distant fireworks around her with a smile in her eyes.

Especially looking at the brilliant fireworks, rising to the sky to form a pattern, smile more brilliant.

It's a pattern of a heart. In the heart pattern is the word "Bai Ling marries me".

Again and again the fireworks rose into the air.

However, fireworks in a moment of bloom, although the United States, but also dissipated.

When the fireworks no longer rose, MI Youning chuckled.

At the moment when she drooped her head, bright light came from all directions.

Miyuning miyuning keeps his eyes on Han Mo, watching him getting closer and closer, his heart beating uncontrollably.

It felt so strong, so caught her by surprise.

Although she was smiling, she didn't know why. Her eyes were moist.

She couldn't tell the mood of the moment and how to describe it.

Her body and heart began to get out of control.

The body does not seem to be their own, heartbeat is not obedient, faster and faster.

Tears seem to be coming out.

This man, he's really... Good, good.

There was something on her face. Mi you Ning thought it was her tears.

Reach out to touch, but touch the soft soft things.

She stretched out her hand and saw the red rose petals.

Looking up, I saw the petals falling all over the sky under the bright light.

Mi Youning covered his mouth in disbelief and looked at the scene above.

A few helicopters overhead are still spinning around.

Where they pass by, petals are falling, and petals are raining on the huge golf course.

At this time, Han Mo also led the crowd to mi you Ning.

His eyes are full of loving light. Standing in the petal rain, he looks at mi you Ning affectionately.

Miyouning looked down at him, his eyes looking at each other.

This moment, like a million years.

PS: write here, you can have a grand finale, a look at ten thousand years, happy ending.

This kind of proposal scene is what a woman wants.

The author is so jealous that he doesn't want to write any more... Don't chase me, hahaha

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