After a moment's hesitation, Chen Qian lowered her voice and said, "it's related to his family! After I tell you all this, you must promise me that you will not tell anyone else about it! "

"Who am I willing to tell and tell about the news bought by one million yuan? Should I have autonomy? Otherwise, it seems that my million dollars are not worth it! "

In fact, MI Ran'er didn't have so much money at all. When she heard the words "family", she had a general idea in her heart. She didn't need to ask Chen Qian to say anything more.

Some things, a vague concept is enough, if you know too much, it will let her show too many feet in front of Ye Chenyu.

"I can give you time to think about it, but you should not have opened Chenyu's heart yet. This thing can make the relationship between you to a higher level!"

The tone of Chen Qian's words made mi Ran'er not believe Chen Qian's words.

The corners of her mouth slightly pursed. After a hum, she turned and looked in the direction of the cafe.

At the moment when she saw Ye Chenyu, she immediately changed her face with a sneer into a smile, and quickly walked over.

"What did you say to her?" Ye Chenyu frowned and asked directly.

"What can I say? I talked about you! Mr. Ye, you are a childhood sweetheart. Your heart is really deep. If I were you, after so many years of company, I would have been moved to accept her! "

Ye Chenyu frowned more deeply, "in terms of emotion, it's not just moving! Most of all, I just regard her as a friend! "

He reached for Miran's arm and pushed her into the cafe.

Looking back at Chen Qian who is still standing in the same place.

Some helplessly shake their heads, take back their eyes, also turned into the coffee shop.

Chen Qian's face became paler, her teeth clenched and her fists clenched.

She didn't know how she left the coffee shop and the shopping mall.

I only know that after leaving this time, she may never stand in front of Ye Chenyu again.

However, her heart is still very unwilling!

Why can that little girl come from behind? She has already checked. That girl is just a waste lady who can't support the wall with mud. Whether she can enter the university or not is still a problem.

If it wasn't for the family's wealth and power and a grandfather who was a professor, how could it be that Chen Yu, the number one student in the college entrance examination, would intersect with him.

She is just born better than herself. What else can she fight with?

If you have money and can dress up, you will be more bright than her. Plus the old love between Chen Yu and Chen Yu, you can definitely get Chen Yu back from that little girl movie!

Yes, she has to have money and learn how to dress up. Just like that girl, she wears a princess skirt, carries a famous brand bag and uses famous brand cosmetics to make herself a princess. Then she can make Chenyu change her mind

If ye Chenyu knew that Chen Qian had such a strange idea because she and MI Ran'er were a little closer, she would think that Chen Qian was crazy.

After finishing his work, ye Chenyu took mi Ran'er back to the Shen family.

Seeing mi Ran'er intact, Aunt Xue's heart, which had been hanging for a whole day, finally fell back to where she was.

"Miss, don't do that again, OK? You didn't bring anything. You ran out like this. My wife and I were very anxious. Last night, my wife waited for you in the living room all night! "

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