After seeing it, Caiyan is a little excited. Her eyes are red.

"I wish everyone liked it!" She choked.

Mi Ran'er found that the other members were also very excited to brush their comments. On the first day of their debut, they all cried with excitement.

She was the most calm one at the scene.

Miran'er continued to pull down. Suddenly, he saw a strange comment.

"Lin Ran Ran, is it nice to step on others? You're a country bumpkin. You've ruined other people's lives, but you're so bright. Why do you think you should? Just because you are sweet, just because you are good-looking, just because you can make people know how to please the top management? "

The ID of this comment is a string of numbers. It looks like a trumpet.

With such a rhythm.

Miran'er's face was heavy.

Shaking her fingertips, she tapped the comment below.

"There's a story. Isn't this SK's trainee?"

"Well, do you have anything to say directly? What's the meaning of this? I think you are looking at Ran Ran fire, so you want to bring rhythm back to Ran Ran, you are the most insidious person! "

"That's to say, Ran Ran is so excellent in all aspects. How can he be such a person who comes out by the back door?"

"Kyjing is talking about people like you. Get out of here!"

"Don't dirty your place."


Fortunately, the fans are calm and not taken away by the trumpet.

However, if trumpet continues to make such comments, it will not be a good thing for her new comer.

Mi Ran'er twisted her eyebrows and thought, who is the person who will make such comments?

Li Zhihe?


He won't be so insidious. Moreover, even if he wants to smear himself on the Internet, he won't say that. Instead, he will directly question her why she came out as a love bean

After thinking about it for a while, a vague figure suddenly appeared in MI Ran'er's mind.

That person appeared in her memory. It was someone she knew.

"Here it is Caiyan pulled the girl beside her, "to the TV station, let's get off and get ready."


Mi Ran'er has no choice but to put the matter aside, take back her mind and follow Caiyan out of the car.

They are going to record their first song tonight, which is their real first stage.

When the recording is finished, it's already four or five o'clock in the morning. Go to the signing ceremony directly to interact with the fans. After the signing ceremony in the afternoon, go back to the TV station for live broadcast, wait for the list to be released, and see who was last week.

It's the same during singing. You can sleep up to five hours a day.

If there are too many notices to run, you may not be able to sleep for five hours.

Because they are new people, their waiting room is not very big.

"Well, have you heard? There's a special MC tonight. It's said that it's a miracle master Ning Jia! "

Member Ye Yi went to a bathroom and came back. He said mysteriously to the members who were making up.

"Ningjia, I thought he would be a great master, but Ningjia is also very good. His singing skills are really good. Unfortunately, people are a little boring. So, it's not warm to stay in the top group of miracles for so many years..."

Another member, Kate, said.

Caiyan stares at Kate quickly. "Don't talk like this. If you let others listen to you, you think you look down on master Ning Jia. We are different now. We must be careful when we speak and do things!"

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