If the man who left, he might leave her here tonight.


She thanks the man in front of her.

However, the export is soft cute cat calls.

When the man heard the soft voice, the smile on his face deepened and the joy in his heart deepened.

Then Wen Yuze went into the kitchen again.

A moment later, he took out a bowl of water and a plate with a piece of cake and put it under the sofa.

"Hungry and thirsty, come down and eat by yourself. Good night."

Wen Yuze said good night, turned away and walked into the previous room.

That's his bedroom.

Mi you Ning is lying in the blanket and says that this man is really careful.

He's a good man at home.

I don't know in the future. Which woman will be blessed.

The pain on her body had obviously improved. She narrowed her eyes slightly and gradually went to sleep.

And the Lord received the horror from the beginning of his coming into the world.

Now it's not easy for mi you Ning to stick to it with his broken body.

Wen Yuze went into the bedroom, after a simple washing, before he was ready to rest, he was a little worried.

Open the door in your bathrobe and walk into the living room.

At a glance, I saw that the black cat on the sofa was sleeping soundly.

Laughing, he picked up the remote control, turned off the light in the living room and walked towards the bedroom.


It's cold. It's cold.

Miyuning is sleeping soundly and dreaming of xiaoyugan.

I don't like the dried fish very much. It makes her drool in her dream.

She kept getting close to xiaoyugan, but the other side seemed to have long legs.

She took a step, and the little fish stepped back. She couldn't eat it.

It seemed that I was about to eat, but I felt cold air all over.

She opened her eyes irritably.

The dark light in the living room made her open her eyes without squinting.

In the huge living room, it's spring and autumn now, but it's extremely cold at this time.

That kind of cold, very abnormal.

Miyuning shook his hair and stood up.

She looked around at the source of the air conditioning.

He got up quickly and jumped off the sofa.


However, this jump made her remember that she was still injured.

She couldn't help crying, but the cat barked.

However, as soon as she called, the air-conditioning around her gradually subsided.

This was not discovered by miyuning.

At this point her attention is all on her hind legs.

Shit! It's too painful.

This brings her back to the time when she was boned by Wen Yuze.

Lying on the ground, MI Youning looks back at the hind leg. The cat's face is loveless.

She's just out of luck in this world.

First, he was abandoned on the road and almost killed, and then he was tossed by the man Wang yuebin.

When I came here to meet the bone, the sour taste was almost unbearable.

At this time, he was about to die of stupidity.

Looking up at the height of the sofa, miyuning's eyes were full of sadness.

This is not going to go up, but the back legs suck.

Thinking of the original intention of jumping off the sofa, MI Youning looked at the surrounding environment again.

Strange, the previous air conditioning disappeared.

She felt strange and didn't know where to look.

She raised her feet to the water that the man had put on the ground before, and she dived into it to drink a few mouthfuls.

Then I took a bite of the cake. It tasted good.

After eating the cake and drinking a few more water, miyuning goes back to the sofa.

Lying on the carpet at the foot of the sofa, she tucked up her cat.

The warm nest is gone. Now we can live together.

The quiet night passed quickly.

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