Mi Ran'er

Li Zhihe suddenly supported the desk and leaned down, "I want you to sign your personal number for me, do you sign it?"

"Are you crazy?" When mi Ran'er was suddenly approached by him, his enlarged handsome face made his cheeks red.

"Crazy or not, I'll know when I get in touch with you. Write quickly. I don't think you want to be known, my true identity and the purpose of coming here?" Li Zhihe said with a cold smile and threat.

Mi Ran'er had no choice but to look around with his signature pen and write down a series of numbers on a page with his own photo.

After Li Zhihe got it, he turned a page and went to the next person. After that, he didn't say a word. After everyone's name was signed, he left.

Mi Ran'er is worried. What the hell is Li Zhuanghe doing?

At the end of the signing ceremony, she took out her mobile phone and looked at it. A short message came in.

"Keep a distance from Ningjia." It's a strange number. It's from Li Zhihe.

It's to remind her to keep a distance from Ningjia. Is he worried that he is really a fan of Ningjia, and then he is targeted by Ningjia and cheated by Ningjia?

It's very kind of him to remind her.

Mi Ran'er tugs at the corner of her lip. Without replying to Li zuihe, she locks her cell phone and goes to the next signing ceremony.

Li Zhihe has long guessed that MI Ran'er will never reply to her text message.

So, I didn't expect anything.

But what he didn't expect was that at one o'clock late at night, a call went into the mobile phone.

As soon as the phone was put through, he said directly, "you asked me to keep a distance from Ningjia. Why? Because of the black stuff in your mouth? In my opinion, he is a very gentle elder and good to me. I will never believe any one-sided words without basis... "

"Good master? Ha ha, it's a pity that all his kindness and gentleness are purposeful. If you don't listen to me and something happens later, don't call again to blame me for not reminding you early! "

After hearing her voice, Li Zhihe woke up a lot. After pinching his eyebrows, he sat up and said in a dumb voice to MI Ran'er on the other side of the phone.

"Since you absolutely tell me that he is a bad man, tell me what disgusting things he has done to make you belittle him. How can I know who he is if you don't tell me?"

Over there, miran'er's tone changed a lot, and he was not very friendly at first.

Li Zhihe's teeth tightened.

This girl really doesn't shed tears when she doesn't see the coffin.

Li Zhuanghe thought, "well, you want to know what happened. At 5:30 this weekend, I'll tell you everything when I go to the hot pot shop where we met last time..."

"Weekend? What if I have a trip? " Asked mi Ran'er, frowning.

"Then tell me in advance. Why don't you change the time? Why are you so stupid? Sure enough, he'll like Ning Jia. " At this point, Li Zhuanghe did not forget the word Ning Jia.

Miran'er was speechless.

Hang up with a bang.

You can imagine what the girl over there looks like. Li Zhihe suddenly smiles.

After laughing, Li Zhihe reacts.

Why do you laugh?

She is so stupid, temper is so difficult to serve, where lovely? Where is it worth him to laugh when he imagines her expression???

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