The next day, it was originally planned to go to the company to prepare a new album. Before she got up, she was shaken up.

"Ranran, wake up, something's wrong!" Caiyan's worried voice is in her ears. Mi Ran'er wants to swear for the first moment after she is shaken up. However, when she looks into Caiyan's worried eyes, she puts the curse back alive.

Tight tight teeth, export voice slightly dumb: "what's the matter?"

"You'll see..." Caiyan hands mi Ran'er her mobile phone.

It's a hot search list.

At the moment, in the list one, it's her and Ning Jia's name.

"Me and Ningjia? What's the matter? " She entered the keywords with doubts.

Ning Jia and ran ran split up

"Break up? Have we been together? " Miran'er looks at Caiyan blankly.

Caiyan said she didn't know, "that's why I asked you, did you two really talk in private?"

"How can it be!"

Mi Ran'er didn't understand why such comments came out and pulled the interface down.

It turns out that Ning Jia was unhappy at the recording scene yesterday. I don't know who broke the news. The informant was just guessing whether it was because she had an emotional entanglement with the same recording girl Aidou. Now among the recording girl Aidou, only she had an affair with Ran Ran Ran, so everyone began to guess in this aspect.

Some people have made a comparison between Ning Jia's look and the tender eyes she looks at Mi Ran'er in the previous issue, and come to the conclusion that she has broken up, but Ning Jia still can't forget Ran Ran.

"Fang --" Mi Ran'er almost broke out.

Sure enough, Li Zhihe's worry is very reasonable. Rumors can be formed by simply looking at the pictures and talking about them. Then, they can be released to spread widely and arouse public opinion.

"I don't have any contact with him in private. We all know who he is. How can we be foolishly involved with him? In my opinion, these pictures are intended by him. Otherwise, how can such clear pictures flow out? "

Mi Ran'er immediately realized that Ning Jia's uncomfortable face when she was recording yesterday was probably the result of her performance.

So that people can take these pictures.

"Is he too poisonous?"

Actually use this kind of insidious method.

The contract of miracle group is coming. As long as Li Zhuanghe doesn't renew the contract, miracle group can be said to exist in name only. He doesn't worry about the future. Is that how to deal with her?

"According to you, have you not offended Ningjia? When? Isn't he nice to you? " Caiyan feels dizzy.

Mi Ran'er purses her lips and tells Caiyan what she said to Ning Jia in the parking lot.

Caiyan was stunned. Then, she couldn't help laughing. "You're so direct... No wonder he was so angry to revenge you. However, this man is really careful. Fortunately, we were not confused by his appearance."

Caiyan takes back her mobile phone and signals mi Ran'er to wash up first. "The company hasn't called yet, but I already know how to respond. Don't worry about this kind of thing. I know how to do it!"

"Sister Caiyan, you're worried..." Mi Ran'er smiles apologetically and drags her half awake body to the bathroom.


Miracle dormitory.

Before dawn, Li Zhihe rushes directly to Ning Jia's room, grabs him and gives Ning Jia a hard blow——

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