Li zhehe met the captain's eyes. After careful consideration, he left the dormitory without saying a word.

The captain can only look at Ning Jia. After twisting his eyebrows for a long time, he turns back to his room.

Anyway, the miracle group is dead in name now. Why do you care so much? First think about Li Zhihe's future if he doesn't renew his contract!


When mi Ran'er received a phone call from Li Zhuanghe, she had just listened to the demo of several songs on her new album. The melody of the main song was gentle, but the climax had a very natural and clear feeling, which made people feel a touch of sadness.

This kind of song is very suitable for listening in snowy days. Looking at the snowflakes flying outside, I immediately think of the past.

The rest of the songs are more cheerful, but if you want to do the main song, it may be a little dull.

The phone vibrated and she came out of the meeting room on the pretext of going to the bathroom.

Answer the phone quickly.

"What's the matter?" She asked suspiciously.

"About the hot search of he Ningjia, don't worry. I'll ask someone to deal with it for you. As for the others... I love my feathers, don't go any more..." Li Zhihe's voice was a little heavy, which made people directly hear his anger.

"What are you doing?" Miran'er frowned slightly. "Don't tell me, you fought with Ningjia for me?"

"It's a fight! How's it going? " Li Zhihe said without any hesitation.

Mi Ran'er

Brother, you are a high-quality idol. What your group sells is the soul of the group. If it comes out, your group will collapse!

Mi Ran'er leaned against the wall of the bathroom, with a smile of gratitude on her lips, and her tone was gentle. "If you do it for me and Ningjia, I'll... Thank you very much! However, I have already checked with the company's public relations department. They have drawn up a response manuscript to directly deny the relationship between Ning Jia and me, and will sue the author who wrote the soft article on the Internet. Even if the defamation evidence is incomplete, they will sue him to damage my reputation! "

"So, I don't need to do anything here?" Li Zhihe asked in disappointment.

"Well... Master, if you really want to do something for me, can you do me a favor?" Mi Ran'er suddenly thought of something. Her voice became softer and softer. She asked with a low smile.

Li Zhihe is very quick.

After hanging up the phone and returning to the conference room, miran'er's face was much better.

When the team members saw it, they all joked about who she was calling.

"Just a friend! Care about my life in H country. " Mi Ran'er explained with a smile.

Kate looked incredulous. "Boyfriends, right? Ah, Ran Ran, if you have a boyfriend in your country, wouldn't he be jealous when he saw your affair with elder Ning Jia? "

"I don't have a boyfriend. Don't talk nonsense. It's coming out. I've got another scandal."

Miran'er had been frightened by the news.

Although they are all fake, they consume popularity.

Moreover, the frequent appearance of this kind of news will make the public think that she is a girl whose private life is not very clean, so there are so many messy gossip.

The loss of fans does not mean that the reputation may be damaged.

After listening to the demo, MI Ran'er got the score and lyrics of the whole song, as well as the part distributed above!

This album, her part is not particularly many, most of them are background sound and chorus lead singer, test singing skills.

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