"Ann, this should be the last time. With such a big scandal and the contract of the miracle group coming soon, I think the miracle group will announce the direct dissolution in situ, which can also protect the reputation of other team members!"

Mi Ran'er doesn't care about Ning Jia's affairs. She is more concerned about when the miracle group will be disbanded. In this way, Li Zhuanghe will be free again. With more personal resources, this guy will surely have a better career future!

"And you? How are you going to respond? " Caiyan asks anxiously.

"Why should I respond? The relationship between Ning Jia and me has been very clear for a long time. The previous case of infringing my reputation right has won. I don't need to meddle in these matters any more! "

Mi Ran'er held out her hand and returned her mobile phone to her teammates. "I think our official blog should release the notice of the album at a time when the popularity is very high, so that more passers-by can see our album! Ning Jia used me so many times, we should suck blood too! "

Caiyan's eyes brighten, and she calls the propaganda department.

What mi Ran'er could think of, and so did the publicity department. When the hot search of pattern 9 reached the third place, it released the preview of the new album.

The broadcast volume of the notice soon broke through one million, and the rising momentum is not weak. It will break through ten million in one day.

Notice inside, each member dressed like a fairy, standing in the misty snowflakes, like a just fallen spirit.

For a time, the favorable comments of the notice occupied the hot Search Board of pattern 9.

Mi Ran'er's hot search entries were gradually whitewashed and criticized, and there was no such thing as Ning Jia!

There are also some stubborn miracle fans scolding mi Ran'er and Hua Hua. It's shameless to rush to the extreme at such a time!

The fans of pattern 9 are not vegetarians, so they directly reply, "then why don't you say that your brother used our family's hottest time to unilaterally stir up gossip? People like Ningjia are still in the pink. Are you waiting for them to read your brand

The fans of the pattern are also very poisonous.

Because Ningjia's popularity is too low, and the damage to miracle group this time is too great, so other only group fans have already turned to Ningjia's black powder. When seeing the fans scolding Ningjia, they not only don't fight, but also insult Ningjia as a waste.

This storm lasted for nearly three days, but it has not been suppressed.

On the fourth day, the company official of the miracle group announced that the miracle group would be dissolved at the end of its appointment. Since then, it has nothing to do with the company. As for Ningjia, the company has not mentioned anything. It seems that it is not ready to help Ningjia with public relations, and is ready to let Ningjia survive and die!

On the other hand, Li Zhihe's personal SNS immediately announced that he would soon set up a personal studio and release solo albums. In the future, there are also news about film and television plans.

On the other hand, Li Zhihe's fans seem to celebrate the Chinese New Year and draw lots of prizes online.

When mi Ran'er saw the news released by Li Zhuanghe, she actually felt that Li Zhuanghe's quick reaction was impulsive. If someone used this to say that he was a white eyed wolf, it might be counterproductive.

However, when she saw that the fans were so excited and happy, MI Ran'er felt that maybe Li's fans had been waiting for this moment for a long time!

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