"You all know so well, how..." that person didn't react at all?

Miran'er was almost furious with this elm.

As soon as Caiyan's eyes brightened, she immediately turned around and looked at Mi Ran'er very seriously. "What's going on! Who is that man? Do you want to be a master

Caiyan worried that she would be heard by others, and lowered her voice.

"How do you know so well?" Does miran'er feel that he has done enough concealment? She has never revealed anything to Caiyan. Caiyan will guess it.

"We live in a dormitory. You hold your mobile phone every day, watch the news or send text messages. I have a clear idea. I knew you had a situation, but I just didn't say it... As for Mr. Zaihe, I just made a random guess, but I didn't think I was right!"

Choi Yan looked at Mi Ran'er enviously. "It's very kind of you to be with your idol. You're really a Big Star chaser!"

"We're not together!" Miran'er pursed slightly. "If we were together, I would not be so worried now!"

"Did he not respond to the gift you gave him?" Caiyan looks at her small appearance and asks with a low smile.

"Thanks to me, there's no other reaction." Mi Ran'er leaned wearily on his seat and looked at the snow outside. "I always thought I might be wrong!"

Caiyan patted her small head comfortingly, "you didn't show the wrong feeling. I sent you so many gifts before. Didn't you just send a text message saying thank you? He may have been absolutely wrong about you, so he didn't dare to express more when he received your reply this time... "

"Is that so?"

When mi Ran'er thought about it, maybe it was just like what Caiyan said.

She holds the mobile phone, some hesitation in her heart, do you want to go further? If Li zhehe doesn't think like this, if he goes further, will he be a bit too active and make the other party hate him?

Just then, miran'er's mobile phone vibrated gently.

She picked it up and saw that it was a text message from Li Zhihe.

Let's have a meal at my home after my return. Thank you for taking the trouble to give me such a valuable gift

After seeing this message, MI Ran'er was slightly relieved.

At last, there was no mistake.

"Look, master Zaihe won't let people down. He won't be so kind to people without any reason. Ran Ran, master Zaihe is a good man. You must seize the opportunity and cherish him!"

Caiyan is more excited than miran'er.

Mi Ran'er glanced at Caiyan angrily, and couldn't help joking: "I want to say that people just treat me to dinner. How can you be so happy that we are going to get a certificate?"

"I hope you can get the license in place. Unfortunately, it's not the right time. We've just started our career, and master Zaihe has just solo. It's a big blow for both sides to get the license now. If you really want to be together, you'll have to fall in love for several years at least! Prepare yourself

Caiyan suddenly talks about the reality.

Mi Ran'er hooked his lips and nodded slightly, "don't worry, I've already figured out the way to follow. I'm not a person without responsibility. My own love can never affect the future of my teammates!"

Caiyan looked at her like this and hooked her chin. "She's really a sensible girl. It's a blessing for me to be able to join you as a group."

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