As for the woman who likes.

In the last two or three years, she had never seen it.

So I think it's just an excuse for the man in front of me.

Wen Yuze looks at the cafe and finds Wang yuebin sitting by the window.

The woman in front of him delayed his next time and his daily journey.

This makes Wen Yuze a little unhappy.

"Xiao Rou, I really have someone I like. Her name is a Bao. She's the woman I love most in my life, and it's not her who doesn't marry.

Don't do that in the future. It's hard for me to do that. You'll meet people who like you in the future. "

The subconscious of the last sentence is, I don't like you. Go to someone who likes you.

With that, Wen Yuze crosses Xiao Rou's body and goes to the coffee shop.

Behind him, Xiao Rou, looking at the scene of his leaving, her eyes no longer smile.

In her eyes, there was a trace of discontent and resentment.

She must have this man.

As for the woman who takes a Bao, who knows where it is.

Xiao Rou thought of the dinner party at the end of the year in the hospital, with a strange smile on her lips.

Wen Yuze, wait and take you down sooner or later.

Xiao Rou looks at Wen Yuze's figure, walks into the coffee shop and sees him sitting in front of a man.

She turned away and went in the opposite direction.

Wang yuebin looked at the back of the woman who left.

Another look at the opposite friend, the corner of the mouth raised a warm - ambiguous smile.

"I've been entangled again. I haven't seen you in the past two years. I don't know how to pity you."

Wen Yuze ordered the meal and told the waiters around him to hurry up and take it away.

Heard Wang yuebin's words, light looked at him.

Then he looked out of the window, looking sad and nostalgic.

Seeing him like this, Wang yuebin was helpless.

Now no matter what you say, you can't stimulate the man in front of you.

Except for Po, of course.

"Why don't you give up after so many years, Po may never appear again."

Wang yuebin came here today just to have a talk with his friends.

So he went straight to the theme without any psychological preparation for Wen Yuze.

On hearing this, Wen Yuze's cold eyes directed at Wang yuebin.

"No, she told me she would come back. She told me to wait for her, and she would come back."

Wang yuebin's face full of frustration, "but Yuze, have you ever thought that she is a demon and you are human, can you really be together?"

Wen Yuze looked down at the table. "At the beginning, she said she was my girlfriend. I only thought she was alone. No matter what happens in the future, I will wait for her in my lifetime."

"Hello, sir. Your order is ready."

The waiter from the coffee shop came up.

Wen Yuze stood up, took the lunch from the other party and walked towards the door.

Wang yuebin takes out a few notes from his wallet, throws them on the table and chases Wen Yuze.

Looking at the other side of the road on the car, he roared to Wen Yuze: "Yuze, Po will not come back, you wake up!"

When Wen Yuze got on the bus, he heard these words clearly.

In response, he threw his lunch to the co pilot, slammed the door and started the car to leave.

Wang yuebin see this, followed by his car, car started to catch up.

He naturally knows where his best friend is going.

The school, the grove and the river that Po left at the beginning.

That night, Wen Yuze knew that Bao had left.

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