Wen Yuze can't stand this kind of teasing.

He picked up mi you Ning and headed for the bedroom.

The woman in his arms said: "Po, it's you who provoked me. Even if you cry, I won't stop.

This word sound just falls, bedroom is kicked open, be ruthlessly shut again.

Miyuning was thrown on the bed with a warm smile on her face. "No, today I'm going to squeeze all your three years."

Wen Yuze's eyes fall into madness, and those eyes are overflowed with love.

He repressed his heavy breathing and quickly untied his clothes.

At this time, miyuning once again made a very hook human action.

She put her finger in her mouth and raised her eyebrows at Wen Yuze.

A pair of beautiful eyes, wind - love, ten thousand kinds, the proper fairy.

Wen Yuze grits his teeth, and his hand moves faster.

Quickly return the clothes that are in the way.

He pounced directly on miyuning.

At this moment, miyuning hugged his waist and buried his face in his arms.

Men miss her, but she never does not love this man.

After three years of waiting, I can't feel at ease now.

And she can only rely on this way to make each other at ease.

Even a moment of peace of mind is good.

"Po, Po, I miss you so much."

Wen Yuze kisses mi Youning's forehead, nose, cheek and lips.

The pious action and the careful kiss made miyuning's heart sour.

And listening to each other's words made mi you Ning feel even worse.

She turns over and presses the man down.

Eyes straight to warm rain Ze affectionate eyes.

"Wen Yuze, I miss you too. I love you more. I won't leave in the future. I really won't leave."

Wen Yuze came to the place with both hands.

For mi you Ning's words, he gave the most direct action.

I haven't done it in three years.

It was like the first time.

Miyuning did not expect that Wen Yuze would be so direct.

She couldn't help getting up and trying to leave the source of the pain.

But Wen Yuze pressed and held her, "Po, look at how I want you. Don't you want to know?"

At the end of the speech, he stepped up and went to the city.

Miyuning has a lot to say.

This kind of position, will only enter more inside.

She couldn't stand it.

She opened her eyes, which had been closed because of the previous pain.

Drooping eyes saw Wen Yuze that affectionate, but suppresses controls own painful expression.

Then he looked at the junction of the two.

Only then did I know

It turns out that the other side is still outside.

Not all at all.

Miyuning is going to faint.

Wen Yuze turned over and reversed their positions.

He also knew that before, miyuning didn't feel very well.

This time he moved slowly.

Every time I look at the expression on Po's face.

It's still early, he has plenty of time to enjoy the feast, waiting for three years.

Miyuning has been tossed about for a long time.

From the bed to the bathroom, and even to the windowsill of the bedroom, they are almost everywhere in the bedroom.

It didn't end until late at night.

Mi you Ning had already passed out and was tired.

Wen Yuze was full of spirit and satisfied.

He wanted to continue, but the woman in his arms was tired.

Holding the person in your arms to clean, Wen Yuze moves gently to cherish.

This time, they can finally be together for a long time.

No one can separate them.

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