Li magistrate and Mrs. Li saw this scene, with a look of surprise on their faces.

"Good, good, good boy, I'll hurt you later."

Mrs. Li wept with joy and hugged mi you Ning.

Miyuning felt Mrs. Li's excited mood, with a complexion on her face.

In fact, she didn't plan to leave before.

Li Jinyu can't disappear for the time being. He wants to stay in the world.

Because the beginning of everything is from the death of the original owner, Li Jinyu's soul body dissipated.

Li Xinran at this time, no longer sensible, also know that the woman in front of her, not her provocation.

She is not an ignorant boudoir.

She is familiar with the laws of this dynasty and knows what kind of trouble the Li family is facing.

Bai you's younger brother is in the imperial examination, and his identity is different.

And the governor, the enemy of the Li family, is always looking for trouble for them.

To figure out the key, Li Xinran came to MI Youning.

She would not, but clearly cried: "sister-in-law."

Hearing this emotional voice, MI Youning looks at Li Xinran and raises her eyebrows, "little sister."

Li Xinran turned his head to one side.

Before the tension disappeared, in exchange for a warm moment.

Li Jinyu looks at all this with satisfaction. He gets up and floats to MI Youning's side.

"Mother, tell your parents it's time to go to bed."

He pulled miyuning's body from his mother's hands.

Mi you Ning fell into the man's cool arms unprepared.

She turned her head and glared at Li Jinyu.

The latter gave her a romantic smile and held her with great strength.

The other side's words also made mi you Ning angry.

She didn't promise to "eat" this man.

And this change in the presence of the Three Li family, also see clearly.

Although they could not see Li Jinyu, they also saw mi Youning's strange posture.

Hands in the void, the body tilt, this position such action at a glance.


Magistrate Li didn't need to wait for mi you Ning to speak and coughed twice.

He looked at his wife and daughter and said awkwardly, "it's late at night. Let's go back."

Mrs. Li wiped her tears with a handkerchief, turned to magistrate Li and said, "OK, let's go back."

Now it's still the son's business.

Fortunately, Bai you doesn't dislike her son. What if the couple really share the same room.

Her son will have a chance to grow up again and show up in front of them.

Magistrate Li left with his wife and daughter.

Hearing the door shut, MI Youning gives Li Jinyu a hard push.

"The devil! Don't take advantage of me

Mi you Ning pushes Li Jinyu away and arranges her messy clothes.

Li Jinyu is not angry, conniving at the woman in front of her.

He turned to his desk and picked up the pen to write.

His face was calm and focused, as if it was not him who was just teasing.

Mi you Ning raised his eyes to see this scene.

She couldn't help but go to the desk and see that the man was just practicing calligraphy.

She thought they were going to write for her.

Turning to think, it's not that she can't see men and hear each other.

Li Jinyu knew that she had come to his side, and he kept moving his hands.

Without raising her head, she said, "if you're not sleepy, you'd better do something meaningful. Let's go and settle it."

Listen to this, MI Youning wants to bite the man in front of him.

It was he who teased her before, but now it's him who let her rest.

If the other party didn't wake her up, now she still continues to dream.

Good night, babies, please recommend tickets, five-star praise, reward

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