Shen Ke smelled speech, glanced at Qiao ran standing outside the car and opened the window, "she will go back with me today, and then all her work will be pushed. You can pick her up at home tomorrow."

Qiao Ran has no opinion to this of course, nodded frequently, indicated to know.

The graceful low-key Bentley drove away quickly.

Seeing the car disappear, Qiao ran pressed his forehead, thinking that ran fei'er would not be his landlady in the future.

Looking at the attitude of the boss and the posture of fighting Tang Yu in the shopping mall, this is very possible.

I don't know where ranfeier's luck comes from. He even let the boss take a fancy to him.

Look, it's all in.


As soon as mi you Ning closed her eyes, she really went to sleep.

She didn't worry at all about the danger.

Because of the existence of the soul, once there is danger, the other party will inform her.

So she sleeps very deeply.

Even being picked out of the car and put on the bed didn't disturb her at all.

Shen Ke puts mi you Ning in his arms on the big bed in his bedroom.

Feeling a woman's thin weight, I thought if I gave her too much work, how can I be so thin.

He felt it necessary to have a talk with Qiao ran to reduce women's work.

Pull aside the quilt, gently cover for each other, looking at the sleeping face, Shen Ke look move.

He sat on the edge of the bed, lowered his head close to miyuning's forehead, touched it lightly, and left at a touch.

Then the corner of the mouth curved a smile, and finally took the other party home.

That's the first step.

He will let this little woman, always so at ease in his side.

Thinking of the next work, Shen Ke once again arranges the quilt for MI Youning, and then turns to leave the bedroom.

He didn't see that after he left, the ring on miyuning's hand was shining.

Mi you Ning, who is sleeping, does not know.

In the space of the soul, the colorful glazed stone, which has not changed for thousands of years, has a slight change in its dark light.

The dark light of the colorful glazed stone seems to be a little brighter.

Although only a little, it has changed.


The sky slowly darkened.

Shen Ke held a video conference in his study and solved some urgent documents. Then he looked at the time.

Thinking of mi you Ning who took him home, a gentle smile hung on his lips.

He got up, left his study and headed for the bedroom.

The door was gently opened, and the woman lying on the bed still kept the sleeping position he left without waking up.

Shen Ke walks slowly to the bedside.

Turn on the floor lamp in the room, and some dark rooms light up a little.

Looking at the time, it's past dinner time.

He took out his cell phone and walked towards the door.

When he turned his back and left the room, the man who had been lying on the bed opened his clear eyes.

At this time, miyuning had no sleepiness in his eyes.

From the time the man came into the room, she was conscious.

The door was taken, and she sat up and looked around.

The whole room was filled with the cool smell of Shen Ke.

There is no doubt that this is the other party's bedroom.

This black and white decoration is really similar to Shen Ke's temperament.

Looking at his clothes in good condition, miyuning lifts the quilt and gets out of bed.

"Little soul, what do you think Shen Ke wants to do?"

In her mind, men just want a woman to go to bed.

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