Shen Ke sat in his study until midnight, then he got up and left.

He was going to visit the bedroom, but smelling the smoke, he turned to the guest room.

The smell of smoke on the body will wash clean, this just entered the bedroom.

He lay down on the bed and held the sleeping miyuning in his arms. Then he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

When they woke up the next day, they ignored what happened last night, and no one mentioned it.

They get along as before.

Today, director Fei's "the brave" is finished.

It's on at the end of the year. It's scheduled.

Now mi you Ning is going to be on the cast of "the wind blows all over the world".

Before the Spring Festival, due to the needs of the cast, MI Youning went to other places for a month's closed shooting.

The crew didn't stop work until before the Spring Festival.

Shen Ke is also very busy before the end of the year.

Until the day of miyuning's return, he stayed up all night to finish his work and went to the airport to meet people in person.

I haven't seen you for a month. Although I can get in touch with you by mobile phone, he still misses that little woman very much.

The low-key Bentley car stops steadily in the VIP parking lot.

Shen Ke looked at the time and knew it was still early. He picked up the files on the car and quickly browsed them.


As soon as miyuning got off the plane, he was supported by his assistant and went to the VIP passage.

And Qiao ran took another woman who was similar to her figure and went straight to the ordinary passage.

After all, there are many fans waiting to pick up outside, and Qiao Ran has to deal with the scene.

The assistant escorted mi Youning and soon the parking lot appeared.

Seeing the familiar car, miyuning walked towards it.

At this time, Shen Ke looked up as if he felt something.

He saw mi you Ning coming at a glance.

He threw the document aside, opened the door and went out.

"You're thin."

Shen Ke's first words at miyuning came out like this.

Mi you rather but casually says with a smile: "that you can make up for me well."

She reached for Shen Ke's big hand and walked towards the car.

Shen Ke missed her for a month.

In fact, mi you Ning did not occasionally think of each other.

No matter what kind of concern it is, she seems to be different to this man.

Rely on each other and enjoy Shen Ke's favor.

This is to let her out of control, so naturally used to.

Two people sit in the car, assistant this just turned to leave.

Looking at the documents scattered in the car, MI Youning looks up at the man beside him.

At a glance, I saw Shen Ke's dark blue.

It seems that the other side didn't have a good rest.

The cyan color of the eyeground is so obvious that it is possible that the other party worked all night last night.

At the thought of this possibility, MI Youning had a bad feeling in his heart.

She took Shen Ke's hand and tightened it a little.

How can Shen Ke not feel it.

Seeing that mi you Ning's eyes were full of pain, which made him smile.

Just feel good. It's a very good signal.

I'm afraid that women will not be affected.

Miyuning reached to Shen Ke's face, touched his tired eyes and sighed, "since I'm busy with work, Qiao ran can also take me back. Why do you have to take this trip?"

Shen Ke pulls her hand down and brings people into his arms. "I just want to see you earlier."

Mi you Ning was speechless, and they hugged each other tightly.

They are like the closest lovers.

Shen Ke finally holds the person in his arms, and this month's emptiness finally has a sense of substance.

When the car started, they sat in the car and drove fast towards their home.

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