Miyuning held out a little white but chubby hand.

If you want to talk about this girl, she is actually a girl full of wealth.

The other party was chosen to be a member of the harem.

But because of her chubby figure and her happy little face.

The queen presided over the draft that day, but the Emperor didn't appear at all.

The queen and her concubines saw her chubby figure and her happy face.

I gave the flowers directly and left the brand.

This also caused the original owner Zhu Yan to speed up the pace of death.

Miyuning reaches for the tea from catkins.

She slowly drank a few mouthfuls, and then put the cup into her hands, where catkins were still holding her hands.

Catkins turn around and put the cup on the side table.

"Master, do you want to continue to sleep?"

Mi you Ning's eyes immediately showed panic when he heard the speech.

It's normal for the original owner to have nightmares.

Because in the month when she entered the palace, she didn't see the emperor.

I haven't seen any high-ranking concubines, let alone queens.

But she saw the criminal law in the palace.

Just a few days ago, their low ranking concubines were summoned.

Outside Fengqi palace, I watched a bloody scene.

Fengqi palace is the Queen's palace.

On that day, someone seduced the emperor, but was killed by the queen with tragic means.

That woman is also a little concubine.

Blood flow all over the ground, the body is even more bloody.

Even though the man was dead, the court battle did not stop.

Finally, from the Queen's palace, out of a palace maid.

It's time to make a warning.

Let everyone rest their mind, otherwise the fate of that woman is their future.

From that day on, the original owner had nightmares every day.

This is also why catkins, the first time to ask.

Mi you Ning nodded slowly after he opened his mouth.

"Keep sleeping."

If according to the original master's temperament, I would have let catkins sleep with her.

After all, there are few people in the dilapidated courtyard deep in the palace.

Even if there are no rules, it doesn't matter.

The previous two days, the original owner did let catkins sleep with her.

Today, however, it is impossible for miyuning to come.

She can't stand being touched, especially by people she doesn't like.

Yes, the catkins in front of her are women she doesn't like.

This woman is only sixteen years old, but her mind and means are not ordinary.

Catkins see mi you Ning nodding, eyes show doubts.

But also respectfully bent, "the master rest, the maidservant retired."

Do not know why, she always feel today's Zhu Yan, as if there is something different.

The other side's attitude to her seems not intimate.

And two days ago, I was afraid, and I wanted to pick her up.

Today, although I am afraid, I seem to have improved a lot.

Catkins think, may be before that see, has slowly dissipated.

Mi you Ning looks at catkins. Without her command, she turns around and leaves. Her eyes show a cold light.

This world is a rootless orphan, growing up step by step, becoming the most noble woman in the harem.

She's young, but she has a brilliant mind and precise calculation.

Ben was an inspirational experience.

It's a pity to step on the blood of too many people.

But she is in the host body, is the catkins step on the first person.

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