The beautiful handwriting, let Lv Liang eyes with appreciation.

Because his fiancee's father is a scholar, he can read and even write.

Lv Liang looked at the letter in his hand. The hand holding the letter trembled slowly.

"You are crazy!"

This time he looked at mi you Ning as if he were a madman.

We can see how shocked he was by the contents of the letter.

Miyuning calculated the time. By this time, catkins were almost ready to go to the bamboo garden.

Regardless of Lv Liang's shock, she quickly said: "your task is very simple. After it is completed, I will let you see the enemy die with your own eyes. Next, it's up to you. Now you can only trust me."

With these words, miyuning walked to the other side of the rockery.

She quickly flashed into the soul space.

Lv Liang ran after her quickly, but she could not be found.

He was really curious about this woman.

The other side came and went in a hurry, so mysterious.

When Lv Liang went after MI you Ning, they came out from behind the rockery.

Walking in front of the men, wearing bright yellow service.

Behind him, the man in eunuch's clothes bowed his head in reverence and fear.

Lu Liang opened the letter in his hand again. He wanted to see it, but he put out a white hand and took it away.

His eyes contracted, and he wanted to turn and grab the letter.

It's a man with noble temperament and strong air.

The bright servant, and the eunuch standing behind the man, let Lv Liang kneel on the ground.

His body kept shaking, "slave... Slave... Met the Emperor..."

I'm stumbling when I speak.

Han Gonggong, standing behind the emperor, saw Lv Liang's appearance.

He stepped forward to raise his foot, and then kicked the other side's heart, "things that don't know how to live or die."

Before, he followed the emperor, but he always stood behind the rockery.

For the woman who left before, I heard the boy's words clearly.

Two people unexpectedly so bold, dare to calculate today's Queen, really live impatient.

Lu Liang was kicked to the ground, and he quickly got up.

Kneel down to the emperor again.

"I'll die, I'll die..."

He kept kowtowing and didn't know how to beg for mercy.

It felt like his life had come to an end.

The woman who left just killed him.

Now he has no revenge. How can he die like this.

Lv Liang is not reconciled.

But now he was caught by the man in front of him, and he had no choice but to die.

All of a sudden, Lv Liang didn't speak. He just knelt down on the ground and didn't move.

The emperor, that is Murong Chen, finished reading the letter in his hand, and his face didn't change at all.

He looked down at Lv Liang, who was kneeling on the ground.

"Get up."

A cold voice sounded.

Lu Liang didn't know that he was talking to him, but his body was still motionless.

Seeing this, Han Gonggong immediately stepped forward, "the emperor asked you to get up, but the son of a bitch is still not up!"

Lu Liang was touched by Han Gonggong's toe again, and then he knew it was to get him up.

He trembled to get up from the ground, head down low.

"Remember that woman's face?"

Murong Chen's cold voice sounded again.

At this time, Lu Liang began to work hard and knew that this was a question to him.

He immediately said: "back to the emperor, I remember, but I don't know which palace maid."

Even though he remained calm, his body still trembled.

Hearing that he said it was a palace maid, Murong Chen raised a smile on her lips.

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