Hear that woman see to avoid - Fire diagram, Murong Chen handsome elegant face has amazement.

However, when I hear the other person, I want to study the content of the script thoroughly, just to get his favor.

It made his brow wrinkle slightly.

But then dark Wei said that the woman thought she was born for him.

This makes him laugh and cry, and some think that this is a woman who has never met, too naive and silly.

Murong Chen browses in the hand, all information about that woman.

Next dark Wei's words, but let him thoroughly changed facial expression.

Junya's face was full of gloom and a trace of anger.

Any man can't bear to hear that he can't do it.

Not to mention Murong Chen.

He was livid and put the rice paper on the table.

Sharp low-pressure line of sight, straight kneeling on the ground of dark Wei body.

The latter knelt on the ground, feeling the pressure, his body could not help but move.

He didn't want to say that if he could.

But because of their responsibilities, they can't leave out any information.

"What else did she say?"

Murong Chen has no good feelings for Zhu Yan at this time.

There's even the idea of strangling each other.

Looking at the "avoid fire" picture, he made bold remarks and even said behind his back that he would not raise it.

Such a woman, when she enters the harem, is not careful. She is definitely looking for death.

Hearing the dignified voice above, the dark guard immediately respectfully said, "go back to the master, no, Zhu Cairen sleeps down and his subordinates come back."

Murong Chen was relieved to see this. He was really afraid of that woman, and said something else bold and earth shaking.

Since the other side said he would not raise it.

It also means that we must know something else.

In the three years since he ascended the throne, he has never touched any woman around him.

Even on the 15th day of the first lunar new year, when you arrive at the Queen's bedroom, you will sleep in separate beds.

No one knows this except the queen and him.

But this talented person Zhu said that he couldn't do it.

He didn't know if he really knew anything.

But at this time, he will not look down on this woman.

The other side dares to calculate the Empress Dowager.

Many years ago, she could see clearly that this woman was different.

"Go down."

Murong Chen stood up and walked around the desk to the bedroom.


Dark Wei answered and disappeared in an instant.

Murong Chen just walked a few steps, and returned the same way.

He reached for the writing papers on the table.

Squinting at these things, he went to the candlestick.

He put the letter paper into the fire and it burned slowly.

Murong Chen curved his lips with a faint smile.

Qipin county magistrate's daughter has never been to Beijing in the future.

However, within a month of entering the palace, I found out what happened more than ten years ago.

Even very planned to deal with this matter.

Bamboo garden.

If not that day, I overheard it behind the rockery.

He really forgot about the bamboo garden.

This place, no one has lived in for years.

I don't know who arranged it, but let Zhu Yan into the bamboo garden.

The intention is obvious.

His harem is getting more and more lively.

These women calculate this and that every day.

There's a lot of lives on my hands.

That's what they do to kill time.

Murong Chen watched the paper burn out, and then turned to the bedroom.

If it was before, he would have let these women go.

No matter what they do, as long as they don't interfere with his previous dynasty.

But now Murong Chen is interested in bold Zhu Yan.

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