Mi you Ning saw the simple stretcher and coughed again, "cough... Cough..."

When the eunuch saw her like this, he had a bad look in his eyes.

"Zhu Cairen, go up quickly. The empress is waiting. Don't waste your time."

"Yes, yes..."

Mei'er stands up with mi you Ning and responds respectfully.

Miyuning still covered his mouth with his handkerchief and stood up slowly.

As she sat in the seat, the handkerchief came down.

That white handkerchief, let a few people around see in the eye.

It changed their faces.

Because the white one has a touch of red.

This is hematemesis.

Seeing this scene, several eunuchs around guessed that Zhu Cai Ren would soon die.

But whether this person is alive or dead has nothing to do with them.

"Let's go."

The eunuchs who came lifted their stretchers and left.

Meier followed mi you Ning and left.

At this time, she was flustered.

Fengqi palace will be here soon.

Outside the magnificent palace, miyuning looked up.

Solemn and solemn, very atmosphere, give people a sense of dignity.

"Zhu Cairen, come down. The master is still waiting in it."

The eunuchs put her down, and her tone suddenly rose again.

Their attitude is obvious and more domineering than before.

Seeing this, mi you Ning hands Mei Er, "cough..."

Of course, I don't forget to cough.

Meier helped her and followed the eunuchs.

They step by step into Fengqi palace.

The dress in the palace is more luxurious and magnificent.

Entering the main hall, MI Youning saw a woman in Phoenix dress sitting on the throne.

That thick makeup, let a person not see her original face, but give a person special dignified momentum.

Miyuning quickly glanced at the queen, Kong Xindan.

Again, he put his eyes on several people who sat down.

The two women sitting in the first place on the left and right are princess de and Princess Shu.

And then there are the concubines who are in low position.

In the center of the hall, there was a man kneeling.

It was a woman and a man mi Youning knew very well.

When she saw the man, her face immediately changed. She couldn't believe it. She was very frightened and said, "catkins!"

Catkins hang their heads and don't move.

As if I didn't hear mi you Ning calling her.

"Presumptuous! The queen yells in front of her. Zhu Cairen, what's your rule

The big maid beside the queen came forward and said harshly.

Mi you Ning leaned against Mei er's arms and looked weakly to the throne against the gaze of the crowd.

"I've seen the empress, but I don't know what I've done wrong?

She has been with me since she was a child. Sometimes it's hard to avoid breaking the rules and asking the empress to be magnanimous. "

Hearing what miyuning said, people looked at her strangely.

The eyes are constantly sweeping away mi you Ning and Liu Xu.

Mi you Ning is quite straightforward and looks at the crowd. She takes out her handkerchief and says, "cough..."

Wearing a phoenix dress, the queen glanced at mi you Ning standing below.

At this time, it seemed that there was no such person in her eyes.

However, the other party's words aroused her interest.

What happened today, in particular, is very important.

She has sent someone to the emperor.

"There's no need to be polite to Zhu Cai Ren. You must be ill when you look like this."

Mi you Ning nodded weakly, "my concubine is not very well in recent days, but today I don't know if the queen summoned me. Is it because the girl beside me made a mistake?"

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