When Murong Chen came in, he saw a scene in the hall, and there was no accident in his eyes.

Because before he came here, he had learned the news.

"I have seen the Emperor..."

"I have seen the Emperor..."

"I see the Emperor..."

Murong Chen did not squint over the queen and sat on the throne.

He looked at the old princess sitting at the beginning.

"I already know why you are here. Now I have sent for the Empress Dowager."

"Thank you for your understanding."

The old princess immediately came forward and responded respectfully.

Miyuning, who was indoors, was still in a coma.

Mei Er saw the master on the bed, and her face showed some worry.

Just now she also heard outside, calling for the emperor to arrive.

Now not only the queen, but also the emperor.

She didn't know what it was about the two most distinguished people in the palace.

"Here comes the Empress Dowager!"

Murongchen sits at the top and drinks tea, with the queen standing behind him.

When they heard that the Empress Dowager had arrived, they all looked in the direction of the door.

Soon the empress dowager, with a serious face and sharp eyes, came to the eyes of all.

With the help of the old lady, she walked calmly to the people.

The Empress Dowager's eyes did not leave Murong Chen's body when she entered the hall.

"The emperor called the AI family to come. The AI family already knows what happened. It's all things that have no shadow. The AI family won't recognize it."

Murong Chen heard the Empress Dowager's words, and the action of holding tea in his hand did not change at all.

He put the cup on the table to one side.

Slowly turned his head to look at the empress dowager, his face overflowed with a gentle smile.

"The empress is serious. Today, please come to discuss this matter. After all, there is no evidence."

Did the Empress Dowager hear this? Her stern face was slightly reduced.

"However, the empress probably didn't know very well. At this time, it spread to the outside of the palace, and all the people in the capital knew about it. This matter must be explained to the world."

This words export, Empress Dowager's eyebrow is full of exasperation.

"Does the emperor allow these foolish people to be so corrupt?"

Murong Chen's handsome face became solemn. "Mother, I can't control her. Now the former dynasty also asked me to give her an explanation."

"Hum!" The Empress Dowager snorted coldly and winked at the old lady beside her.

The latter took out an imperial edict, "the imperial edict is here!"

Murong Chen see this, there is no unexpected expression.

"Empress mother, your father's Yizhi can protect you for a while, but it can't protect you for the rest of your life. Please give me the evidence to make the people speechless."

When the Empress Dowager saw that he was so tough, she was forced to make her stand.

Naturally, the emperor knows that without evidence, the Empress Dowager can't do anything.

However, it is unlikely that the matter will be settled like this.

After all, not only the former dynasty, but also the harem has been involved.

The Empress Dowager sneered, "it's not her own, that's what it is. The family can't find any evidence, but they won't recognize it.

Now the emperor's decree is here, and no one can move his family.

Tomorrow the AI family will go to the national temple. "

Murong Chen nodded, "it's good to do so. Please cultivate yourself. When the storm is over, I'll come to meet you."

"The family is waiting for that day."

The Empress Dowager gave a cold hum and turned to leave with her mother.

Murong Chen then stood up and said coldly to the queen behind him, "queen, here you are."

"Yes, I know."

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