Meier saw that she was not displeased, and knew that it was not her duty to ask.

This is not what a maid can ask.

At the same time, Murong Chen behind the rockery, who wanted to leave, suddenly stopped at this time.

He recognized the voice, which was that of Zhu Cairen.

At this point, he also wants to hear the other party's answer.

Mi Yu Ning looked at the girl, and this girl was awesome.

She said with a smile: "no problem, when it comes to this competition, I don't have the courage of your master.

Have you ever been to the palace of other concubines? There's a lot of meaning in it.

Besides, if you are unknown in this palace, you will find disaster.

If you want to survive, you have to climb higher. It's not necessary. You can get the emperor's favor. "

Mei'er seemed to understand, "I can't understand this, but I'm loyal to my master."

Mi you Ning was very satisfied when he heard this.

It doesn't matter if Mei Er understands it or not, as long as that one understands it.

She doesn't want to be spoiled, she just wants to have a place in the palace.

Murong Chen hears mi you Ning's words, and a meaningful smile rises from the corner of his mouth.

At this time, he broke his previous intention to leave and turned to leave the rockery.

Miyuning looked at the view of the imperial garden with her cheek on her side.

And murongchen walks from the lotus pool.

Mi you Ning's eyes swept to the bright yellow.

Immediately stand up from the seat, "I have seen the emperor."

"I have seen the emperor."

Murong Chen looks at mi you Ning. Although there is no surprise in his eyes, he is also surprised.

The woman in front of him is totally different from the person he painted.

Not to mention the comfortable temperament, the smart eyes make people look very comfortable.

It's still festive, but it's a bit more real than in the painting.

Murong Chen comes forward and wants to reach out to pull people up.

But that hand stopped to half, did not continue.

He did not understand to see to own hand, today is how.

Even want to reach out to help a little talent.

For the queen, he never did.

"Get up."

Murong Chen crosses mi you Ning's side and sits in her previous position.

Mi you Ning looks up and sees Murong Chen's face.

He's really a beautiful man.

Beautiful, angular, looks gentle, gives the feeling of very casual.

But the essence of that pair of eyeground, but let a person dare not underestimate.

The black hair was pulled up by the golden crown, and under the sword eyebrow was a pair of sentimental peach blossom eyes.

Although there is a twinkle in that pair of eyes, it also gives people a deep feeling of error.

It seems that if you are not careful, you will fall.

The thin lips with moderate sexual feeling evoke a faint smile, which is very gentle.

When mi you Ning looks at Murong Chen, the other side is also looking at her.

This is the first time that a woman has looked him in the face.

Even the queen on weekdays would not look at him so directly.

The woman in front of me is really interesting.

Just don't know each other's mind, whether really just want to climb up, just to survive.

This is the first time he has heard someone say something so straightforward.

Which of the women I have seen in the palace does not show their affectionate eyes when they look at him.

In fact, it's just because of the power he gives these women.

It's all about greed and power.

All these women are like this, without exception.

Even his dead mother.

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