When Murong Chen twists the beads several times, the figure of Han Gonggong appears.

"I see the emperor. It's done."

Han Gonggong came forward and explained the result of the matter.

Murong Chen hears his words, the action that hangs Mou hand also stopped.

Mi you Ning came out of his bedroom just to hear Han Gong's words.

"What's the matter, Mr. Han? You are sweating."

Hearing mi you Ning's voice, the emperor and father-in-law Han looked at her one after another.

Their eyes could not help changing.

Han Gonggong was surprised.

And Murong Chen sees the woman standing at the door of his bedroom walking towards him, but with a bit of surprise.

Just because miyuning didn't put on makeup and didn't wear the complicated clothes.

Her hair was rolled up and fixed by a simple and transparent Hosta.

He was wearing the silk clothes of the original owner at home.

This dress can't be compared with the silks and satins in the palace.

But it's better to be comfortable and simple.

Seeing the woman coming, Murong Chen's hand began to itch.

The soft hair rolled up.

Let that in front of the little woman, is exuding some charm.

Unfortunately, Murong Chen didn't understand.

Just see mi you Ning coming, want to touch her, touch her.

Miyuning goes to Murong Chen and bows respectfully.

This next Murong Chen naturally had an action, "don't need to be polite."

He reached out to help miyuning, and then held her hand.

The little hand was very soft, as fleshy as she was, and very comfortable to touch.

Mi you Ning thought that if the other party shook it, it would release.

But after waiting for a long time, she didn't see that the other party meant to let go.

I can't help but start to gently pull my hand away.

Soon afterwards, he was held by murongchen again.

Han Gonggong saw the scene, squinted a pair of small eyes, respectfully stood aside.

From the door came a group of slaves.

These people are carrying food boxes.

Murong Chen takes mi you Ning's hand and doesn't move at all.

Watching the people put lunch on the table.

He turned to look at Han Gonggong, "empress funeral day, after all things simple, back to send someone to inform the Kong family into the palace."

"Yes, I know."

Han Gonggong answered.

However, mi you Ning's face changed when he heard this.

It's not right.

Isn't the queen going to stick to it for more than half a month.

According to the original plot, the queen died half a month after she was poisoned.

How come I just got poisoned this morning and died in the afternoon.

Murong Chen feels mi you Ning's little hand tight.

He couldn't help but look at each other.

Miyuning's face was still full of consternation.

It's a real shock.

There was no surprise, no calculation, and no disguise he wanted to find.

Seeing mi you Ning's appearance, he became more and more curious about this woman.

Does the other party really just want to live in this harem and find a place.

He doesn't believe it. He can't believe it.

"What's the matter with Aifei? But what's wrong? "

Murong Chen touched her hand, completely without the slightest disgust.

The man next to him asked, which made mi you Ning put away his stunned face.

"No, I'm just too surprised. I'm fine this morning. Why did I go all of a sudden?"

"Ha ha..." Murong Chen laughs a few times.

He looked up at mi you Ning and said, "after lunch, it will be announced. At this time, no one except you and me and the servants in this room knows."

Mi you Ning heard this and nodded with a smile.

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