Next, MI Youning discussed the next issues with the grand master and King Xiaoyao.

After half an hour, Qiqiao led a crowd into the luanfeng palace.

Behind her, some were dressed as palace maids, some as eunuchs, and some as bodyguards.

There is a more conspicuous one, wearing the dress of concubine.

Mi you Ning looked at the woman in the imperial concubine's clothes, with a curved corner of her mouth.

This is Wang Qixuan, who was a talented man near the bamboo garden.

"Master, I have brought you."

Miyuning nodded to Wang Qixuan and gave them a general look.

A little count, about 20 people.

These dark guards can leave.

Miyuning stood in front of the crowd. "I think you know that the emperor's whereabouts are still unknown. Today, I went out to look for the emperor. After I went out of the palace, you can only obey me. Can you recognize me?"

Qiqiao took the lead to reply: "the slave obeys the master's arrangement."

"Obey the command of imperial concubine Chen."

"Obey the command of imperial concubine Chen."

Seeing that they all agreed, MI Youning nodded, "OK, now change your clothes and gather at the gate of the palace after a incense stick."


On the duanchang cliff, a group of people stood on the top of the cliff to inspect.

These people have men and women, all dressed neatly, the momentum of the whole body is not ordinary people.

At the foot of this heartbroken cliff, a woodcutter goes up the mountain to cut firewood.

When they see these people appear, they are not surprised.

Since half a month ago, someone has been patrolling the cliff top.

It's like looking for someone.

"Back to my master, I didn't find anything. According to the villagers at the foot of the mountain, there was only a rain. Even if there was any trace, it was washed away by the rain."

Miyuning heard Qiqiao's words. She went to the edge of the cliff and looked at the depth of the mountain.

I can't see the end at a glance, and there is a mysterious wind below.

At this height, even if there is water below, the undead will be seriously injured.

Miyuning had a deep thought in his eyes, and his face was ugly.

Where on earth is Murong Chen.

People who were looking for it before all said that the cliff couldn't get down at all.

We can't even find any entrance.

At the foot of the mountain, they searched all over, but they didn't find any entrance to the heartbreak cliff.

They tried, but in the middle of it, they began to have difficulty breathing.

There are even poisonous snakes.

"Master, shall we try to go down the cliff again?"

Qi Qiao comes forward and stands beside mi you Ning. He also looks under the heartbreak cliff.

Miyuning stepped back two steps and looked at the people who followed her.

"Before is also you dark Wei to move out, also didn't go down, this time also don't need you."

Hearing her words, some of the dark guards didn't look good.

They looked at miyuning's eyes, with examination, contemplation and doubt.

Miyuning went on alone.

"I'm afraid that the depth of duanchang cliff is unique. There are poisonous snakes and beasts under it. We can see what swamp there is, or..."

"That Chen imperial concubine's meaning, no matter Lord, let lord under the cliff life and death don't know?"

Mi you Ning's words haven't finished, some dark Wei can't help but make a sound.

Mi you Ning was not half annoyed to hear that the secret guard was straightforward.

She went to Qiqiao and took down her burden.

"No, I said you don't have to go down. I'll go down in person. Just stay on the cliff and wait for my news."

The dark guard's face became speechless, but his expression became more solemn.

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