Murong Chen went straight to luanfeng palace.

Mi you Ning sees Murong Chen's figure and immediately stands up to salute.

"I'll see the emperor, and the emperor will be happy in Jin'an..."

Murong Chen see this immediately come forward, hand hold her hand, take people up.

"Princess Ai, you and I don't need to be polite in the future."

Mi you Ning smiles at the words.

The man had said that before, but she still went her own way.

After all, they haven't fallen in love with her.

She can't touch each other's bottom line, and she should be more disciplined.

It's good for each other.

Murong Chen see her don't speak, will people come to the previous position to sit down.

He also sat beside miyuning.

"Have you heard all about today?"

Murong Chen picked up the tea cup on the table and asked casually.

"I heard that." Miyuning nodded.

Murong Chen took a sip of tea, looked up at her and asked, "was that ever joyful?"

Er... Mi you Ning is really not very happy.

Because she felt it was inevitable.

After all, the other side will not touch those women.

However, at this time Murong Chen asked, mi you Ning naturally also want to follow the words to answer.

"My concubines are naturally happy."

Hearing mi you Ning's words, a smile rose on Murong Chen's face.

I don't know when all the maids in the palace went down.

Seeing this phenomenon, Murong Chen began to have some ideas.

He took a look and sat beside him.

The eyes with a bit of flattery - meaning, all over the release of lure - human breath of women.

Murong Chen put the cup on the table, got up and came to mi you Ning's eyes, and bent over to pick him up.

Miyuning was not surprised.

Because just in Murong Chen's eyes, there was an obvious lack of hope.

She followed Murong Chen's movements and put her hands around his neck.

This action obviously pleased Murong Chen.

He took the little woman in his arms and went to the bed of the palace.

fine day.

In the bedroom of luanfeng palace, there was a fierce, ambiguous voice.

Han Gonggong stood at the door, and his eyes burst into tears when he heard the news.

The emperor finally broke.

Finally became a real man.

There is no heart, that road can not pass the ridge.


Miyuning and murongchen have been together for more than 30 years.

Over the past 30 years, mi you Ning is about to doubt whether she is the person she is looking for.

Because the seven colored glazed stone in the soul space has never changed.

Until murongchen's deadline.

Mi you Ning sits on the Dragon couch and looks at Murong Chen's aging face.

"Zhu Yan, have you ever liked me?"

Mi you Ning heard this with a mixture in his eyes.

They've been together for decades.

It seems that it's too late.

But she had to admit in her heart that this man's awkwardness didn't disgust her.

Some even like it.

So miyuning nodded.

Seeing her nodding, Murong Chen's face softened.

He looked at mi you Ning as if he had returned to the time when they first met.

"Zhu Yan, do you know that I will never like anyone in my life.

My mother's life, what she imposed on me, made me hate all women... "

Mi you Ning has been listening to Murong Chen's words.

Until the end, Murong Chen seemed to feel something.

He took mi you Ning's hand and said, "I finally understand what it feels like and what it is like.

At the first sight of you, the heart came alive.

It will beat for a woman, too late, too late to know. "

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