Yin Yuxuan also knew his movements, some of them lost their strength.

He quickly loosened his friend's clothes.

Lu Ziqing arranges his clothes and looks up at Yin Yuxuan.

"Yuxuan, what's the matter? How do you get along with this woman? You seem to care about it? "

Hearing this, Yin Yuxuan's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes were helpless.

"Don't talk. Don't get too close to her."

"Don't get too close?" Lu Ziqing laughed with deep meaning.

"Yuxuan, you can't follow a woman. What's the matter?"

See Lu Ziqing began to guess.

Yin Yuxuan sighed, "don't guess. I met you at Jiajue nightclub last night."

As soon as the Jiajue nightclub came out, Lu Ziqing's face changed.

He reached for the eyeglass frame with a dignified look in his eyes.

"Yuxuan, women in that kind of place, how can you bring them out?"

At this time, Lu Ziqing misunderstands mi Youning's identity and thinks that she is the lady of the nightclub.

Although mi you Ning did not open his eyes, he also heard Lu Ziqing's words, which he obviously disliked.

There was anger on her face and she was in a bad mood.

At this time, she could not help hearing Lu Ziqing's words.

Open your eyes and sit up from the bed.

Quickly pick up the pillow with both hands and throw it directly on Lu Ziqing.

Don't ask her how to know, who's the one who's talking about her.

Just because it was the man who spoke against her nearest to the hospital bed.


Lu Ziqing was lost his pillow, and his expression was a little stunned, as if he hadn't reacted.

Yin Yuxuan looks at the woman sitting on the bed.

At this time, the other side's small face is puffy, ruddy, but the body is shaking.

"You are the kind of woman. Don't talk about things you don't know. You should be responsible for what you say!"

Miyuning glared at Lu Ziqing.

Hearing this, Lu Ziqing turned to look at her.

He saw each other's beautiful face last night.

After all, he and the people in the hospital bandaged each other's wounds by themselves.

He sewed the wound on the head himself.

But at this time, the other side opened his eyes, and the smart light in his eyes made him look stunned.

What a beautiful pair of eyes.

But this woman is too fierce.

Seeing Lu Ziqing looking at Mi Youning, his eyes were almost out.

Yin Yuxuan steps forward to block Lu Ziqing's body.

He looked into miyuning's eyes and a low voice rang out.

"Hello, early summer. I'm Yin Yuxuan. My friend made a slip of the tongue. Don't worry about him."

As soon as he saw the handsome man in front of him with no expression, MI Youning's attitude immediately changed.

In front of this man, it is Yin Yuxuan.

And a man who can help her.

Miyuning's patient face tried to squeeze out a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Yin. Thank you for your help last night."

"You're welcome." Yin Yuxuan stares at her eyes, motionless.

He looked at mi you Ning in such a straightforward way. He was a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, at this time, Lu Ziqing could not hold back.

He jumped out and held his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Miss Chu, it's just my fault, but there's a problem. I'd like to ask your opinion."

When he heard this woman calling for a good friend, he knew it was a misunderstanding.

However, this woman was addicted to drugs, which still didn't make him feel good.

Miyuning raises his chin to Lu Ziqing and signals him to speak.

This arrogant action makes Lu Ziqing's teeth itch.

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