See the above information, Yin Yuxuan immediately understand.

At the same time, his expressionless face was even darker.

The whole body is sending out the breath of gloomy fear.

When Uncle De was driving in front of him, he felt the bad smell.

"Uncle De, go to Jiajue bar."

"Yes, young master." Uncle De immediately turned around from the front.

Yin Yuxuan calls mi Youning back, but no one answers.

He hung up and called his secretary.

"I'll send you a document now. You can print it and send it to Xia's house."

As soon as the phone was connected, Yin Yuxuan immediately issued a voice of command.

After that, they asked the people below not to check.

Now that the person has been found, there is no need to toss.

At this time, he wants to catch his primary school sister back.

Then teach me a lesson.

I don't know what's going on in a bar. What if someone calculated.

Now they've made it through the hardest start.

Don't go all over again.

Every time he saw each other, the pain of biting his lips was painful.

For each other's patience, for her pain and heartache.


Here mi you Ning doesn't know about Yin Yuxuan's worries.

She is used to being alone.

Even in these worlds, there are people with her.

But no one can stop her.

Even her heart is not completely open.

So she can't realize that Yin Yuxuan is worried about her.

Miyuning throws his mobile phone to the co driver and drives to Xia Yuyan.

She's very fast.

The red Maserati drove towards Xia Yuyan.

Until hear Xia YuYan's side, about to hit, just brake.

"Zhi... Ho..."

Xia Yuyan several people obviously have been stunned.

They are discussing the plan for tonight, how to get that early summer.

See a cool Maserati, towards a few people.

They don't even have time to dodge.

A few minutes later, I was scared to sweat on my back.

At the same time, Xia Yuyan, who is closest to the car body, is full of anger.

She couldn't see miyuning in the car.

Turn around and walk towards Maserati's driver's door.

Just then, the driver's door was opened.

Miyuning got out of the car and gave a big smile to the crowd.

"Hello, everyone. Long time no see."

When Hua Shao and others saw mi you Ning, their eyes were straight.

Let's not talk about Xia Yuyan, who is closest to miyuning.

At this time she looked at the front, so familiar, but a bit strange woman.

It seems that this person is not the early summer she knows.

"Early summer?"

Xia Yuyan couldn't believe it and called out her name.

She even expected that this woman was just like early summer.

But mi you Ning hears Xia Yu Yan calling her and immediately turns to look at her.

"Yuyan, long time no see."

Xia Yuyan saw her reply, and her face was a little twisted.

But she stifled it.

However, it made her face more ugly.

Because of the Maserati sports car in front of us and the changed temperament in early summer.

This makes Xia Yuyan jealous.

It's impossible. It was early summer that changed it.

It must be Yin Yuxuan. It must be this man.

She knows that early summer, as long as a little means, can let her sink in their circle.

Because the growth of this woman, the environment she experienced, will make her feel inferior.

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