As Shen Ke talks with Wen Qing and Fei Dao, mi you Ning sees Li Xin not far away.

At this time, Li Xin is wearing a low-key blue dress, and her eyes are still flustered.

She saw a playful smile on her face.

Shen Ke, who was close to him, said in a low voice, "I have something to do there. I'll come to you later."

Shen Ke just wanted to ask her what she was doing, but when she said that, she stopped.

He nodded and looked at the figure of mi you Ning leaving.

Until I saw her walking towards a woman.

The woman's name seems to be Li Xin, another woman in the scandal a few days ago.

Seeing this scene, Shen Ke's heart was steadfast.

In fact, he was still not confident. He was afraid that miyuning would meet a more attractive man here.

As long as a woman does not fall in love with him, his heart is always insecure and insecure.

He laughed at himself, but he had nothing to do.

He fell in love first.


Li Xin's face changed and became more flustered when she saw the person coming.

In fact, in the previous crew of "the wind blows all over the world", she had been killed in an accident.

Even discussed with the agent, just in advance with them to let go of the disagreement.

So later, the other side said that she deliberately pushed her in the legend of the Tang Dynasty, which can be denied, saying that they had already disagreed,.

However, she and her agent did not expect that Shen's high-level staff would be mobilized.

Even during this period her work was affected.

"What? Are you guilty? "

Mi Youning walks up to Li Xin, takes the tray of drinks from the attendant, leans on the bar and looks at Li Xin with a smile.

That expression is full of arrogance.

This was Li Xin's attitude towards the original owner, but now it's just a return to the other party.

Li Xin's face is very ugly. Seeing her attitude, how can she bear this tone.

However, she did not dare to act rashly. No matter how hard she felt, no matter how hard she was, she could not make trouble with women on such an occasion today.

Otherwise, her road will be more and more difficult.

However, they are still like this, and there is no need to pretend.

"After all, you just rely on selling to get what you are today. How clean can you be?"

She made a special dig at miyuning.

After all, it's something every artist doesn't like to hear.

Even if they are the Movie Masters and movie queens, they have accepted the hidden rules before they become famous, and they love feathers.

There's no artist who doesn't love feathers.

Unfortunately, Li Xin was wrong, and mi you Ning didn't care.

Hearing Li Xin's words, MI Youning looks for the man.

Shen Ke is no longer talking to Wen Qing and Fei Dao.

Around for a few dressed neatly, with elite temperament of men.

Not far away, there are many women looking around, the eyes eager to try.

To be honest, Li Xin is right.

She's really taken care of and hidden by the rules.

Without the help of Shen Ke, she would not have come to this step quickly and easily.

So she didn't get angry at Li Xin's words, and even deepened her smile.

Li Xin's intention was to turn her face around and see her deepened smile, but she vomited blood in her heart.

This woman is so shameless.

But also, can hold the thigh of Shen Shi chairman, who still cares about that reputation feather.

I have a bright future in my life, and there is no problem walking horizontally in this circle.

How many people want to go up and hold their thighs, but they don't have a chance.

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