When Xia Ze came to the bar, he saw Xia Yuyan at the bar.


He waved to Xia Yuyan, not knowing that the hell waiting for him was coming.

Xia Yuyan heard Xia Ze's voice, and a touch of uneasiness flashed across her face.

But it was quickly hidden.

She turned and looked at xiaze with a smile.

"Here you are."

Xiaze's smile on her face made her uncomfortable.

After all, it was still small and uncomfortable, which was soon captured by Xia Yuyan.

This gives her more confidence in what she did before.

Shauzer must have known something.

Fortunately, she had been prepared.

Or you'll miss this opportunity.

Xia Ze comes to Xia Yuyan and sits down.

See the glass on the bar.

He picked it up and poured it into his mouth.

Xia Yuyan saw his action with a touch of surprise in her eyes.

Xiaze drinks the wine, which makes her feel better.

"Sister! My parents are going to divorce! "

Suddenly hearing the shocking news, Xia YuYan's expression changed immediately.

There's pent up anger.

My mother was so unkind that she was going to divorce at this time.

Then, when the time comes, where will Xia's family have her share.

Xiashi company is about to fall apart.

Xia Yuyan lowered her eyes to hide her anger, "Oh? How did you know that? Mom and dad are not fighting, are they

Hearing this, Xia Ze looks at Xia Yuyan.

This is his sister of eighteen years.

This woman is still his sister.

This is the only sister he knows.

As for the women reduced to outside, he would not recognize them.

That woman ruined his home, ruined his parents' feelings.

Think of these, summer Ze heart is incomparable anger.

He was so excited that he told Xia Yuyan what his mother said to him.

At this time, Xia Ze did not see the distortion of Xia YuYan's expression.

Until Xia Ze finished, some dry mouth, do not know when to end, filled with wine glass.

He drank all the wine in it.

Xia Yuyan saw his action, and a cold smile rose from the corner of her mouth.

"And what's your plan?"

Xiaze felt dizzy and heavy.

He shook his head hard.

"Sister, what did you say?"

He can only see Xia Yuyan speak, but can't hear her.

Xia Yuyan takes out a cigarette from her bag and lights it.

However, he approached xiaze and brought the smoke to his mouth.

"You drink a little too much. Have a cigarette to wake you up."

Xiaze's age is the age of trying everything.

I learned to smoke when I was in school.

At this time, Xia Yuyan handed him a cigarette. Without thinking much, she began to smoke.

Not to mention, smoking, really sober a lot.

Then he asked again what Xia Yuyan had just said.

Xia Yuyan did not answer.

But looked at him smoking, expression has a bit of pleasure.


half a month later.

Miyuning has been at school since last time.

After that, I didn't go again.

Because school life is too boring.

And those things, do not need to learn.

As long as she wants to learn something, directly use the ring to transmit those data to her mind.

I'll soon be able to absorb all that knowledge.

In the past half a month, her drug addiction only happened once.

Yin Yuxuan also felt her body, really no problem.

So I took her to Yunshui general hospital.

It is also the hospital where Lu Ziqing lives.

This is the Lu family's industry.

Yin Yuxuan asked her to do a full set of physical examination.

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