Because from the Secretary's words, he recognized some problems.

His secretary was sent away by his father.

Xiao Xiaodong had a fight. Who could not go? Why did he send his secretary.

And why it's such a coincidence.

But today, there is something wrong with the project between the company and its partners.

Xiao Chen should a, let him deal with the matter well, hang up the phone.

After he hung up, he called his cronies in the company.

The phone got through, but no one answered.

Then he called other people, and it was the same,

Xiao Chen in the heart already understood what.

This is the father's room for him.

After the accident of Mo's group, my father began to wait.

Thinking of his father's small means, Xiao Chen's mouth stirred up a meaningful smile.

Now people in the company can't get in touch, it's likely that they have been watched.

After all, it's impossible for everyone not to answer the phone.

In fact, he really doesn't have a big idea about the company.

When I was abroad, I heard that the company was in crisis and needed to get married with Mo family.

If my younger brother has someone he likes, he will understand.

IELTS was founded by my mother.

He couldn't have watched it fail.

After returning home, his father and stepmother gave him the company.

At that time, the company was really in a mess.

In his first month, his average sleep was only two or three hours a day.

It's not that I didn't turn it down.

But the whole family tried their best to persuade him to take over the mess.

Now the company is about to start again, even to a higher level.

Mo Xiaoxiao was also injured when his father-in-law and mother-in-law had an accident.

It's really a good opportunity.

A good opportunity to clean him out of the company.

Xiao Chen deeply breathed a breath.

There is a breath of depression in my heart, it is not to come and go.

It makes him sick.

What I refused at the beginning is now the ripe fruit.

But I kicked him away.

The meaning is different.

And that's his family, so why doesn't he feel sick.


Just when Xiao Chen left the ward, mi you Ning had woken up.

She was awakened by the sound of Xiao Chen answering the phone.

Looking at the figure of the other party leaving, MI Youning is not ready to continue to sleep.

Time is almost up. It's time for mother Qin to come back.

Miyuning started to work and reached for the water cup beside the table.

She looked at her free right leg and gave a smile.

If it's a good guess.

It should have been Xiao's father who called Xiao Chen just now.

The original owner was on the second day of hospitalization.

There is something wrong with Xiao's company.

That's what Xiao Fu and his partners did together.

Because of some problems, the cooperation between the two companies was terminated.

Even ask IELTS company, that is, Xiao family to compensate a sum of money.

The project of cooperation between the two companies is still relatively profitable, with a lot of profits.

However, in order to get Xiao Chen out of office, Xiao's father did it.

And the partner made such a trick, and finally the partner got the money.

He kicked Xiao Fu away.

The cooperation between the two sides really ended.

IELTS has really lost a sum of money, even the project has been delayed.

After that, some people in the company criticized Xiao Chen.

He didn't deal with it at the first time, so he made the company lose a lot of money and offended the partners.

At the general meeting of shareholders of the company, Xiao's father attended and put forward the proposal.

Let Xiao Chen temporarily put down the business of the company and ask him to have a rest for a period of time.

However Xiao Chen where is so easy to go down.

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