It is full of records of the real estate used by the Mo family and the company's industry.

It's too much, too much.

Mo family is one of the top families in the city.

In the whole country, it's the number one.

The Mo family is a leader in the business world.

They control all the chain of interests, but also above the power.

No one knows that the Mo family has other businesses abroad.

Mo's family is in Mo's father's hands and has developed its business abroad.

Whether it's on the surface, or some shady business.

They are stable abroad.

It's something outsiders don't know.

In the past two years, the Mo family has been very low-key.

Maybe it's for Mo Xiaoxiao that her IQ returned to a few years old when she had a car accident.

This incident caused great harm to Mo's father and mother.

They want to give Mo Xiaoxiao a huge business empire.

Married this half year, they also saw Xiao Chen's manner.

So when making a will, I took Xiao Chen with me.

Will is made like this, after their death, if Mo Xiaoxiao and Xiao Chen did not divorce.

Xiao Chen will own 5% of Mo's group.

There are also some real estate on the surface.

However, this is not Mo family, the 5% share is more eye-catching.

Because it's not measured by money at all.

One percent of the shares of the Mo family are unmatched by the entire Xiao family.

We can imagine how generous this 5% share is.

But Mo's father is very prescient.

After Mo Xiaoxiao and Xiao Chen divorced, they got nothing.

"Miss, now that you've recovered, it's up to you whether Mr. Xiao gets the 5% share."

At this time, Han Zhen began to say these words.

Mi you Ning also understood the underlying meaning.

She looked up at Han Zhen with a smile, then looked to the door of the ward.

The smile in my eyes deepened.

"Uncle Han, just do it according to the will made by your father. You can contact the lawyer team of the company.

The attorney general director of the company is not available. He is unreliable. I will attend the general meeting of shareholders of the company these two days. "

Han Zhen nodded, "OK, I'll contact you. Do you have any other orders?"

Mi you Ning thinks about it and hands the computer to Han Zhen.

"Not for the time being. Mo Xinghua, you have to be careful.

He is afraid that he will trouble you. If he can, he'd better find a place to hide for two days. "

Hearing mi you Ning's words, Han Zhen said with a bitter smile, "my wife is going to give birth these days, and I can't go anywhere."

Mi you Ning frowns. She suddenly picks up a cell phone.

"Then I'll find some people to protect your personal safety. Mo Xinghua is thinking about the company, and has already won over many senior managers of the company."

How can Han Zhen not know.

After the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Mo Xinghua, as his brother.

But the company's high-level quickly.

"This time we have to be ready for a complete solution. Manager Mo has a big heart."

Mi you Ning smiles indifferently, "don't worry, these people all have a handle. Although they belong to the grass on the wall, they are still better controlled and can't make any waves."

During the conversation, MI Youning has already dialed a strange phone.

"Hello, who is it?"

Rough voice, from the phone.

Miyuning, with his will in his hand, listened to the voice on the phone and laughed twice.

"Tiger brother, I'm Mr. Mo's daughter, Mo Xiaoxiao."

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