Qin Ma takes a look at Xiao Chen and puts mi you Ning in his hand.

"Why are you back?"

Just when Xiao Chen took over mi you Ning's hand.

Not far away came the voice of questioning.

Xiao Chen's expression didn't change. He supported mi you Ning and put her weight on himself.

But miyuning looked up at the source of the sound.

I saw a woman standing at the door with a lingering charm.

The other side's figure is good, but the other side's face, still can see the age is not small.

No matter how to maintain it, it can't stop the change of years.

Xiao Chen holds mi you Ning and goes to the door.

Qin Li sees Xiao Chen ignore her at all, facial expression becomes displeased rise.

Now Mo Xiaoxiao, has no dependence.

IELTS is about to win back from Xiao Chen.

How can she continue to endure the grievances she has suffered in the past six months.

"Xiao Chen, I'm talking to you!"

Holding mi you Ning to the door, Xiao Chen looks up at Qin Li.

"Xiao Xiao's health is OK. The doctor says she can leave the hospital."

Qin Li looks at mi you Ning with displeasure.

"If you are not in good health, lie down in the hospital. There is no one at home to serve you."

Mi you Ning immediately breaks away from Xiao Chen's hand and hides behind Qin Li.

Then he showed his head and looked at Qin Li timidly and said, "bad guys!"

After listening, Qin Li narrowed her eyes, "what do you say?"

"Bad people! Bad people

Miyuning said it twice this time. Her expression was just like the original owner's.

"Don't talk nonsense, you fool!"

"Aunt Qin, Xiao Xiao is my wife. Please respect her."

In Qin Li's nonsense sound just falls, Xiao Chen complexion is not happy.

There was a confrontation between the two sides.

Qin Li had a sneer on her face. "Xiao Chen, do you think she was still at the beginning..."

"What are you arguing about?"

The slightly dignified voice of father Xiao rang out at this moment.

When Qin Li heard Xiao Fu's voice, her disdain and arrogance were instantly withdrawn.

With a smile on her face, she turned to look at father Xiao.

"This went in, this is not to ask how Xiao Xiao's body."

Xiao Fu could not see the joy in his expression. He glanced at Xiao Chen and mi you Ning.

"I'm back."

Xiao Chen nods to Xiao Fu, "I'll take Xiao Xiao upstairs first."

He holds mi you Ning over Xiao Fu and Qin Li.

Mi you Ning takes a look at Xiao Fu.

This man looks somewhat similar to Xiao Chen.

But I'm old and I don't look well.

From a person's face, you can see that the body is not very good.

Mi you Ning crosses Xiao Fu and Qin Li.

As she passed by Qin Li, she shrunk.

The expression and action seemed to be afraid of Qin Li.

The latter sneered at her appearance.

Xiao Chen and mi you Ning enter the hall, go upstairs and return to their room. Xiao Fu and Qin Li also come to the hall.

Back in the room of the original owner and Xiao Chen, mi you Ning left Xiao Chen's help.

Although they live together, they sleep in separate rooms.

The room has two bedrooms, and MI Youning lives in the master bedroom.

She sat by the bed, looking at the costumes around her.

"Go wash and rest first. I'll go downstairs to find my father."

"OK, Chen Chen, go back quickly."

Hear this Chen Chen again, Xiao Chen already did not expect her to correct.

All he can do now is ignore the name.

Let's see what Mo Xiaoxiao wants to do.

Back at home, but also so disguised.

There must be a reason for this.

Thinking of Qin Li, Xiao Chen was thinking deeply.

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