
Next, Mo Xinghua promised the other party.

He will buy the will for ten million dollars.

After that, Mo Xinghua put away the unnatural expression on his face.

He went back to the conference room and sat on the chair.

The face was worse than before, but it was not a bit worse.

At 10 a.m., all the major shareholders have arrived, even the top management of the company.

People saw Mo Xinghua sitting on the throne.

No one voiced any objection.

However, there are also a large number of people who look down on Mo Xinghua.

However, his status here, now he is the most suitable successor.

Although people are not satisfied, they will not get along with the interests.

Seeing that all of you had arrived, Mo Xinghua stood up from his seat.

"My brother's sudden death makes me very sad, and I feel depressed these days.

However, Mo's group in the business sector, involving all walks of life, the company's operation can not be missed.

As the general manager of the company, I call you here today for the future development of Morse group. "

Many shareholders listened to Mo Xinghua's speech, most of them had clear facial expressions.

Some people are very straightforward to see Mo Xinghua, that look is like looking at a clown.

Although the official words are good, don't mention Mo in such a hurry.

"As the general manager of the company, I have served as the president of Morse's branches in other regions.

Here, I am confident that we can make Mo's development even bigger... "

When Mo Xinghua was speaking, someone interrupted him.

"Manager Mo, you held the position of president in the branch company, but later you were removed by Chairman Mo

It seems that there are some problems with work style and finance in the company. "

In exchange for the comments of the shareholders here.

When people looked at Mo Xinghua, they also looked suspicious.

When Mo Xinghua saw someone mention his black history, he narrowed his eyes.

Staring at the speaker, there was a fierce light in his eyes.

When he takes over Mo, the first thing is to withdraw this man.

Mo Xinghua saw many shareholders and showed his suspicious eyes one after another.

He winked at some of the company's top people sitting down.

Soon someone stood up and said, "I'm quite clear about this. At the beginning, as the regional president of the branch company,

Manager Mo himself is very conscientious, but something happened in the company.

It has nothing to do with manager mo. "

"Yes, I know about it. Let's listen to manager Mo first."

Although many shareholders, as well as the top management of some companies, all know that there is something wrong with this.

But everyone was very face saving and didn't speak any more.

"As the general manager of Morse group, the younger brother of the former chairman.

I am now the most qualified successor to Mo's group.

In order to make you more confident and support me, I decided to give you some preferential treatment.

Every year, the profit of the branch company will be shared by everyone present, and it will increase by 100%. "

After hearing Mo Xinghua's words, people were not very interested.

In fact, even if Mo Xinghua did nothing, today's final result is already very obvious.

What they are looking for is not the profit of the branch company at all.

It's not that I don't like it, it's Morse group itself.

How much money is hidden is opaque.

What they want is just a person in power who has the ability and doesn't look too ugly.


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