Xiao Chen knows Xiao Xiaodong's intention.

But he can't do it.

"Mo Xiaoxiao is different. I can only ask you about this."

Xiao Xiaodong's eyes showed relaxation, "well, OK."

But his tone, or so flat.

Xiao Chen takes out her cell phone and dials mi you Ning.

But I can't get through for the time being.

Think of each other has been with Qin ma.

He called Qin Ma's cell phone again.

The phone was quickly picked up.

"Mr. Xiao."

"Well, mother Qin is me."

"What's the matter with Mr. Xiao?"

Xiao Chen stood up and went to the French window of the office.

Looking at the scenery downstairs, he said bluntly, "mother Qin, how can Xiao Xiao's phone be blocked?"

"Mr. Xiao, miss has gone to the United States and will be back in a few days."

Hearing that the other party had gone to the United States, Xiao Chen frowned slightly.

Just wanted to ask, what is the other party doing in the United States.

But when the words came to my mouth, there was no exit.

The relationship between them is not close at all.

Even in the name of husband and wife, it is only in name but not in reality.

But Qin's mother didn't know Xiao Chen's hesitation.

She knew that the young lady had no plans to divorce Xiao Chen, and even complied with her husband's will.

It plans to give Xiao Chen 5% of the shares of Mo's group.

Now the other side takes the initiative to ask about the situation of the young lady, and Qin's mother is willing to make them closer.

In the past, Xiao Chen's attitude towards the young lady was always very alienated.

Now the young lady has recovered and no longer knows nothing.

"Mr. Xiao, it seems that there is something wrong with the company. Miss said that she could go to the United States for three days at most.

If you have anything to do, it's OK to call the young lady after she gets off the plane. "

"Well, I see."

Xiao Chen hangs up and looks at the building outside the window.

At this time, I don't know why, he felt empty at the bottom of his heart.

Thinking of the girl in the hospital, Mingming has regained consciousness.

But still disguised as ignorant.

That's really different from before.

But at the beginning, he didn't see it.

Those eyes are really beautiful now.

Hear Qin Ma said, Mo Xiaoxiao went to the United States.

At this moment, Xiao Chen felt it.

The relationship between them is really different.

In the past, the other party was waiting for him at home.

He even sticks to him all the time.

Now the other side did not say hello, they flew to the United States.

This let Xiao Chen heart not taste.

Think of before he to Mo Xiaoxiao, also did not pay so attention.

Xiao Chen's face was full of self mockery.

That's the inferiority of men.

When people are around, they are not close to each other at all.

Even then, he never paid attention to each other.

Now that people are better, he begins to care.

This kind of reaction makes Xiao Chen look down upon himself.

Throw away some thoughts in the brain, Xiao Chen doesn't think that pair of smart eyes any more.

I don't think about Mo Xiaoxiao any more.

Xiao Chen turns around and looks at Xiao Xiaodong waiting for the answer.

"Mo Xiaoxiao has gone to the United States and won't come back until three days later."

"Damn it

On hearing the news, Xiao Xiaodong's face changed.

Three days, who knows what my mother looks like three days later.

Xiao Chen saw that Xiao Xiaodong's face was ugly, and the worried color was also obvious.

"Wait till she gets off the plane. I'll call again."

"OK, I'll go to see my mother first, and call me when I have news."

Seeing Xiao Chen nodding, Xiao Xiaodong got up and left.

Xiao Chen looks at Xiao Xiaodong's back and suddenly opens his mouth.

"Xiao Xiaodong."

Step to the door, so stopped.

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