"Mo Xiaoxiao!"

Hearing this, Xiao Xiaodong immediately stood up.

He whispered her name, gnashing his teeth.

Miyuning puts his coffee on the table.

He held the moon Hun in his hands and raised his head with a faint smile.

"Well, if you have any questions to ask."

Feeling the sight around him, Xiao Xiaodong knew that he was too excited.

But he couldn't help being excited.

Few people really know his skills.

Even the mother is not clear, Xiao father and Xiao Chen will not know.

At this time, he seriously suspected that Mo Xiaoxiao was just pretending to be a fool.

Xiao Xiaodong relaxed and sat down slowly.

But his eyes were fixed on miyuning.

It was like dissecting mi you Ning.

"How do you know? Mo Xiaoxiao, are you just pretending to be stupid! I've seen before that you don't behave right. "

Xiao Xiaodong's eyes are on guard.

However, what miyuning said next made Xia Xiaodong's face even more ugly.

"Famous x, in foreign countries, you are the number one hacker who offers a reward of up to 50 million US dollars to catch alive.

Two years ago, you invaded the Edwards family in the United States.

Although you didn't do anything, you provoked the army fire tycoon family.

And the reward of up to 50 million dollars is the work of the Edwards family.

You haven't committed any more crimes in the past two years, but I think you want to go back to your old business now... "

Seeing what miyuning said in his mouth become more and more detailed, Xiao Xiaodong couldn't help it.

"Stop it! Mo Xiaoxiao, you are such a terrible woman

Yes, terrible.

Xiao Xiaodong is sweating behind his back.

This woman is really terrible.

It's only half a year since the other party married into the Xiao family.

Even in the meantime, IQ is like a child.

Why does she know everything about him.

Two years ago, he was very fond of playing, playing everything.

Because playing with friends in the bar, I heard about the Edwards family.

He drank too much that night.

When I got home, I couldn't help itching.

It's a spooky intrusion into the defense system of Edward's headquarters.

But also point back, happened to meet the master.

The other side cracked his defense and hacked his computer.

If it wasn't for the end, he quickly turned his head and closed the computer.

Now I don't know where his bones are.

Up to now, he still remembers the words he said in the awkward Chinese language.

"You're very brave."

Hearing the sound, he immediately sobered up and left home.

All traces of invasion have been erased.

He spent those months in fear.

Two years have passed.

Now he almost forgot about it.

No, you can't say forget.

I just don't want to think about it, because he was really embarrassed in those months.

Did not expect, but now from Mo Xiaoxiao's mouth.

A woman who married into the Xiao family for half a year and didn't get along with much.

This made him have to be afraid.

Mi Youning did not answer Xiao Xiaodong's question.

"If you want to agree to my request, you can think about it. I'm looking forward to cooperating with you."

Xiao Xiaodong is still puzzled.

He stares at Mi Youning for a clear answer.

"How on earth do you know?"

Mi you Ning smiles and shrugs, "if you want to be unknown to others, don't do it yourself."

"I don't want this perfunctory answer." Xiao Xiaodong's hand became a fist and tried to endure something.

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