"Host, you have fallen, let you work alone, this is my most clear decision."

Miyou would rather smile than speak.

However, the soul has made a new decision.

"Host, in addition to receiving the soul of the world, I decided not to participate in other situations."

The words rang out in mi you Ning's mind, and the soul of caution stopped speaking.

The smile on miyuning's face deepened.

This is the best way.

Before reincarnation, those souls need to be pure when transmitting living souls in space.

Although she couldn't see it, she obviously felt the power of the soul released by the soul.

He's purifying these souls.

She really doesn't want to owe anyone.

Especially the soul.

In this reincarnation, she met a lot of strange people and things.

I've also seen the female owner of the mission world carrying the system to rebirth.

The system in their hands is just like the soul.

But there are some differences.

Because the system in their hands needs to pay something.

The system is not helping them unconditionally.

It's different.

He seems to have been helping her from beginning to end. Ten thousand years have passed.

If it's not good for her, how can it be until now.

The actions of the soul are proved by time.

I still remember meeting a woman who was born again with the system.

Only then did she know that there was such a thing.

Only in this way can we know that all the requirements of the system require them to pay for their soul and their permanent life.

She panicked at the time.

I've been afraid of it. Is it the same to her.

Now it's funny to think about it.

At that time, I must have felt it.

Just the other side did not say, has been in her side.

They are friends and partners.

It's been a mutually dependent partner for thousands of years.


In miyuning's recollection of the past, Li Qingtian had already eaten up the meat.

Seeing the woman in front of her, she made a sound.

And miyuning was indeed called back by it.

"Is this finished?"

Miyuning smiles and takes out a bunch of barbecue again.

And she didn't have enough to eat. One person and one cat ate in this deserted park.

They eat the best food in the world.

Half a year after the end of the world, there are no vegetables in the world.

Forget about meat.

Animals are beginning to mutate.

If people eat mutant animals, they will also be infected with zombie virus.

After Li Qingtian had enough to eat, he found a place to lie down.

That pair of dark eyes, but from time to time to see mi you Ning.

He is a transfiguration ability, which has never been discovered in the past six months.

But I didn't expect that this thin, unremarkable woman would know him.

The Transfiguration is not coming out now.

Because there are too few such people, the high-level officials in the capital have already closed all information.

Even looking for other transfiguration powers.

These people are a protective group.

Just because they play a big role.

It concerns all the high-level struggles in the security base of Beijing.

Except for him.

Because he... Is a cat.

His comrades in arms also have some transformation abilities, but they are all powerful and majestic actions.

Only he is the weakest, a cat.

There are snake, wolf and tiger as he knows

But he was the only one, a cat.

Li Qingtian looked at his small body, and his eyes showed his helplessness.

If he wasn't a cat, he wouldn't be reduced to this.

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