Miyuning gave the children to the guards.

Let them send the children in.

These people's way of doing things is very neat, even with a rigid style of doing things.

She is very relieved to give these children to the guards of the base.

Because those in power here are very tolerant of the survivors in the base.

Miyuning knows that the leaders of the base are tolerant of the survivors.

But I don't know, the authority of the base is very wary of her.

Just now miyuning said it, but I haven't seen you for two months.

The idea that Li Qingtian was going to sneak out of the car was stopped in an instant.

Now his eyes are still looking at mi you Ning in disbelief.

The woman of that night, in any case, could not be integrated with this woman.

Are they really alone.

But besides her, who else knows about him two months ago.

Li Qingtian looks at Mi Youning's figure.

He bowed his head and licked his paws.

Now he is sure that this woman is the one he met two months ago.

Their eyes are the same, even if they don't remember their appearance.

He can be familiar with the smart eyes.

A month ago, in the Institute, I didn't recognize it.

It's because she's changed so much.

It's impossible for him to recognize each other.

This woman with good temperament is the one who is dirty, looks ordinary and has no image.

Miyuning goes to the front of the car, opens the door and sees the cat on the seat.

She reached for it and got into the driver's seat.

Looking at the dirty cat in his arms, miyuning felt it necessary to wash it.

She did not ask the cat's advice, started the car and left the base.

Miyuning drove for more than ten minutes and found an open space.

There's no one here, no zombies.

She brought out a box of water from the space.

He got off with the cat in his hand.

"It's dirty enough, too. Every time I see you, I'm so embarrassed."

Miyuning poured the water bottle into the cat.

Feeling the cool air of the water, Li Qingtian could not help shaking his body.

If he can open his mouth, he would like to ask why he has changed so much to see you again.

Unfortunately, he could not speak at all.

Even transformation is powerless.

The medicine in his body made him suffer at this time.

Miyuning felt the cat tremble in his hand.

But I didn't think much about it. I just thought it was not used to it.

After simply washing the cat clean, miyuning takes out a towel from the space again.

She is just like serving her ancestors, serving Li Qingtian.

At this time, I can't help making a sound.

"Host, this is the first time to see you, so loving."

The sound behind this is very long.

Mi you Ning chuckled at the sound of Jie Hun.

"Why, you envy me, or you will become a little suckling dog, and I will release my love for you."

After wiping the cat clean, miyuning took it in his arms and went to the car again.

"Host, in fact, I would like to say that this cat is quite predestined with you."

Miyuning laughed and stopped talking.

She took the cushion out of the space.

It was taken in the supermarket before.

Now the cat is cheap.

Put the cat on the cushion.

Looking at that body, there are still some wet hair.

Miyuning reached out and touched it.

Still feel, the cat is still shaking body, think it is cold.

And put the back coat on it.

"If I guess well, you should be Li Qingtian, the leader of the base, right?"

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