Lao Zhao listened to the footsteps behind him, getting closer and closer.

Shaking, he turned and knelt down.

"Brother, we don't know you. Please forgive me, please..."

Lao Zhao knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing for mercy.

Li Qingtian had already dodged when he knelt down.

He is disgusted to be knelt down by such people.

Zhao didn't know it and kowtowed.

"Elder brother, please spare me. I don't know where I've offended you. Please spare me a lot of life..."

Hear that there is no bottom line cry for, Li Qing sky in the eyes of dislike without cover.

Such a man is really a shame.

Killing each other is like taking advantage of him.

His steps are still towards Lao Zhao.

When Lao Zhao heard the footsteps, he kept kowtowing.

The last time he kowtowed, he didn't look up.

The right hand by lying on the ground posture cover, slowly to the arms.

Li Qingtian saw this scene, his thin lips bent evil smile.

It turned out that he was not an honest man.

Lao Zhao felt the sound of footsteps in his ears.

He kept his head down and begged for mercy, "brother, please forgive me, please forgive me. I'm cheap. I have eyes and don't know Mount Tai..."

His mouth said begging for mercy, but his face was angry and desperate.

The footstep is near, near

It's in my ear

This is the time.

Lao Zhao suddenly raised his head and stretched out his hand to Li Qingtian.


I remember the sound of the gun.

Li Qingtian stood diagonally opposite Lao Zhao, looking at the direction of 45.

First of all, Lao Zhao made a mistake in his position.

What's more, Li Qingtian has already taken precautions against him.

So at the moment when Zhao looked up, Li Qingtian pulled the trigger.

Zi Tan goes through Zhao's eyebrows.

He opened his eyes and looked at Li Qingtian in disbelief.

The hand holding the weapon was still facing Li Qingtian, unwilling to pull the trigger.

Unfortunately, he has no strength at all.

Lao Zhao opened his eyes and looked at Li Qingtian with hatred.

His body leans slowly.


Finally, he fell to the ground.

That pair of eyes are still open big, this is not closing one's eyes.

Li Qingtian saw that Zhao was dead, and his gloomy eyes gradually faded away.

Turn around and walk outside the factory.

When passing by the zombie and fighting with the people around him, he also did not squint.

Until Li Qingtian walked out of the factory, the zombies stopped attacking.

They slowly and thoroughly.

Li Qingtian thinks that miyuning may wake up. He gets into the car and goes straight back to the original road.


The smell of blood was all around.

Zhu Lu's eyes were staring at the top of her head, and there was a dead silence in her eyes.

Until someone nearby wailed and startled her.

She turned and saw that it was naughty six.

This man let her drink golden soup yesterday.

The disgusting smell made her stomach ache to this day.

Zhu Lu's eyes burst out a strong hatred.

Lai PI six was attacked by the zombie and collapsed on the ground with her abdomen in her arms.

The cry and the weak situation made Zhu Lu feel the opportunity.

The chance to revenge, the chance to kill this man.

Yesterday, this man didn't regard her as an adult at all.

If it wasn't for him, how could she have been tortured like that.

It's all his fault.

And the Zhu Zhu.

She was a sister, but she was left in the wolf cave.

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