Mi you Ning saw this and immediately withdrew the gun.

She wanted to kill this man.

But we should also give her some preparation.

This is not the right way to go.

Even if miyuning wants to kill him, he has to be ready for the rest.

"Are you ready, little soul?"

"All right, all right... You wait..."


However, it's too late.

Li Qingtian presses mi Youning's hand and pulls the trigger.

Miyuning was startled by the sound of gunfire on his back.

Her body trembled and her eyes looked in horror at the blood in front of her eyes.

Those who are fighting for blood, from Li Qingtian's chest of the moon.

Miyuning's eyes were straight. The color of blood hurt her eyes.

She looked up to her, still doting eyes.

It made her heart ache again.

"Damn it

Miyuning couldn't help but swear.

She really didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

Originally, she did it herself. How did it become like this.

Li Qingtian felt the loss of blood in his body.

At the same time, he felt that his body was not enough to support.

"Take good care of yourself..."

Before saying that, Li Qingtian's body fell back.

Miyuning was quick eyed and quick to catch his body.

In the eyes of the public, this scene is that mi you Ning killed Li Qingtian.

But none of them came forward.

Not even general Jiang left.

Only after Xiao Yi silly looking at this scene, he can't believe watching Li Qingtian fall down.

There's still a chance, isn't there.

Why is this

Miyuning is about to explode.

"Little soul! Are you all right? "

At this time, in the absence of the public, the soul of the ring came out of the space.

His spirit body appears in the mission world.

After the emergence of Jie soul, he immediately blocked Li Qingtian's three souls and seven spirits with his soul power.

On the other hand, he stirred mi you Ning's soul.

When the soul of miyuning was about to be extracted, the soul of abstaining opened its mouth.

He asked, "have you really decided? It will do a lot of harm to your body and even affect your mission in the next world. "

Miyuning rolled his eyes. "I didn't say it before. It only affects one task. The world doesn't matter. Hurry up. He's really going to die in a moment."

After her words, Jie soul immediately extracted the half of her soul.

Li Qingtian's three spirits and seven spirits are controlled by the ring spirit.

After that, he merged mi you Ning's soul with Li Qing Tian's three spirits and seven spirits.

During this period, Admiral Jiang had coughed and even vomited blood.

People around him helped him to the safe base.

This group of people gradually disappeared in the public eye.

However, there are also a group of people left behind who have fulfilled Li Qingtian's last wish.

Protect the woman who killed Li Qingtian.

Around before attacking Li Qingtian people, at this time also gradually dispersed.

Soon, the space was cleared.

The remains on the ground are gone.

There was only a faint smell of blood.

There were only quiet zombies and a small group of people not far away.

And Xiao Yi, who stands not far away with a dull face.

When the two souls collided, Jiehun quickly sent back the half of miyuning's soul.

Miyuning is short of half of her soul. At this time, she lies on Li Qingtian.

This scene in Xiao Yi's eyes, but angry.

He strode this way.

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