Liang Han has eliminated the poisonous snake.

But several of the disciples of Shushan were injured.

Among them, Bai Xinting was also injured, and her face was bitten by a poisonous snake.

It made her beautiful face swell up in an instant.

Liang Han naturally saw the swelling on her face.

That face is very terrible, let a person see one eye, can't see a second eye.

Especially at this time, Bai Xinting still looks at him with loving eyes.

Liang Han turns his attention away, and he has some disgust in his heart.

He really can't eat such a woman, and he doesn't know if she will be good in the future.

"All the disciples are in place. We will continue to set out in a moment."



This time, the voice of the disciples in Shushan was a little weak.

As soon as they entered the palace, they were attacked by poisonous snakes.

I don't know what will be ahead, waiting for them.

Liang Han ignores their lack of confidence. At this time, his heart is clear.

There must be some treasure in this palace.

This time he entered the secret place of Xuanmen, but he had great expectations.

Now he has not reached Yuanying because he is still a little bit short.

I hope to find what he needs here.

At the same time

Liang Han turns to see Bai Xinting.

The leader is about to retire. He will be the next leader.

Thinking of this, Liang Han ignores Bai Xinting's terrible face.

With a gentle smile on his face, he goes to Bai Xinting.

When Bai Xinting saw Liang Han coming, her eyes showed amazing light.

"Brother Han, my face hurts."

The voice of grievance and complaint sounded.

The voice of grievance and affectation, coupled with her miserable face, makes people unable to look directly at her.

Many Shu mountain disciples turned their eyes away from her.

Liang Han is gentle to white heart ting.

He gently took her hand, gently comforted her, "heart, just go out, I will cure the wound on your face."

Hearing Liang Han's gentle voice, Bai Xinting's eyes show the light of happiness.,

She rushed into Liang Han's arms and said, "brother Han, I knew you were the best to me."

No one knows. Liang Han wants to vomit at this time.

As long as you see Bai Xinting's miserable face, his heart is cool.

It's killing for such a woman to sleep in the same bed.

After a rest, Liang Han pushes Bai Xinting away and turns to look at everyone.

"Let's move on."


Wenwan is still meditating in the main hall.

At this time, she was hot as if she were in an oil pan.

His face was red and his whole body was soaked with sweat.

The man in white was not far away from her.

He looked at the box in his hand, as if he didn't know it.

In fact, he really can't remember clearly.

But when he opened the box gently, the smell from inside made him suddenly remember.

It's really a good thing, especially for women.

This is the double cultivation method, which he once unintentionally created.

White is what men practice, while red

The man in white took a look, wet and gentle,

Naturally, it is the practice of women.

It's just that it's never been used.

It's the skill practiced by women that I just used gently.

I just don't know what effect she will get.

And at this time, there is no man and her double practice.

I feel like I'm going to explode.

She was so hot that she wanted to hold the ice.

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